Chapter 5: Finnick finds out

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Chapter 5

Katniss P.O.V.

I wake up and feel something in my hand. I blink a couple of times before I get my clear sight back.

I slowly turn my head into the pillow to look down at my right hand. My hand is holding another hand. A big rough one. I immediately assume that it's Finnick's hand, because I was sad last night and he's my brother and he tried to comfort me, although I wouldn't tell him what I was sad about.

But when I turn my hand to look up at Finnick, I see that it's not Finnick. It's Peeta. Peeta's big warm hand is the one holding my smaller hand.

I quickly pull my hand away. How did that even happen? I pull down the zip of my sleeping bag and stand up.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I've been here uncountable times, so I know where everything is.

I sit down on one of the high chairs and lay my arms onto the kitchen island. I feel like I'm safe now when the others are asleep and it's 6:30 in the morning. So what I do next is to pull up the sleeve of my slashed arm. I take a toothpick and start to scratch in one of the wounds.

It hurts, but it's good. The physical pain takes away my mental pain. The blood starts dripping down onto the kitchen island, but it doesn't matter, I'll have time to clean it all up.

Or so I thought.

"Katniss what are you doing?" I hear the sleepy voice of Finnick Odair as he walks into the kitchen.


I try to hide my bloody arm with my other hand, but it doesn't work. When Finnick gets close enough his eyes widen up in horror.

"Katniss..." He whisper breathless.

"Finnick I swear to god, if you tell anyone, anyone, I will never speak to you ever again, for as long as I live", I say, as I snatch a paper towel to cover up my arm. I cover up the bloody wound and make it stay still by putting two of my hair bands over. I slowly pull down the sleeve over the paper towel. I grab another one to dry up the blood.

"Why...?" He asks looking at my arm.

"Okay look... Finnick I..." I start as I stand up to go and throw the paper towel in the trash. I walk up to Finnick. "You know that I've been pretty down lately and I guess there's a reason for that", but I'm not gonna tell him the reason for that. "I don't wanna tell you, I'm not ready to tell anyone, but it was really horrible, the thing that happened to me".

He looks at me.

"I promise not to tell if you promise that you won't do that again", he mumbles.

I take Finnick's hand.

"Finn, I can't make a promise like that, doing what I do is the only way to deal with what happened", I say.

"Than I..." He starts but I stop him.

"That would just be cruel, and you don't wanna see you little sister suffer more do you?" I ask, looking at him with sad puppy eyes.

Now I really hit a weak spot. We always use to joke about how I'm Finnick's little sister, since he's born in February and I'm born in May.

"Why do you make me commit to this kind of promise when it jeopardizes you're health?" He asks.

"They wouldn't understand Finn, no one would, you don't, that's why you asked me that question", I say, but I know that what I said just now, is not true.

I know that the only reason he asks me, is because he cares about me and he's concerned. I can see it in his green eyes. Concern. So much of it. I can't believe I put my brother in this position.

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