Chapter 15: Rumor

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Chapter 15

Katniss P.O.V.

When we told the rest of the guys, they flipped out. Especially Annie and Madge. Gale and Finnick were just standing and smiling like two dorks.

I'm glad that our friend are happy. That gives me a chance of trying to be happy. I am trying. Everyday I'm trying to be happy. And yes, sometimes I do feel happiness but not genuine happiness for a long amount of time. It always goes away somehow.

I'm still not very comfortable in school. People are still staring at me. I'm still the 'suicide girl'. I have to accept the fact that I'm always going to be. The girl that wanted to die, but failed.

I don't feel the need to die anymore. But I am depressed and I know that the feeling can come back at any time. I don't want to go around and wait for it though, I just don't want to. While I'm here, I want to at least try to live. Even if the demon of my life is still here.

I try to avoid seeing Timmy. But how can I when he's still here in my school? My friends are still trying to get me to press charges against him, but no one would believe me. Who would believe Katniss Everdeen, the suicide girl? No one. Not the police. Not anyone.

"Suicided whore!"

I turn around in the entrance, trying to find the source to the shout. But there are too many people here. I can't know who it was.

Peeta grabs my hand.

"Don't listen", he mumbles in my ear.

"How can I not listen?" I ask.

"Just don't", he says and leads me out of the entrance and towards the lockers.

We walk in silence towards the lockers. I don't know what to say. I mean yeah, I understand about the suicide and all of that, but... How am I a whore? That I don't understand. It's not like anyone knows that I was raped. I haven't told anyone and Timmy would be kind of stupid to tell someone he raped me, I mean that would put him in jail.

Why would someone call me a whore? Why? I want to know. Does someone know something? And if so, who?

"I don't get it", I say and open my locker. "How am I a whore?"

"You're not", Peeta says. "Don't listen to what they say, they want a reaction".

Maybe Peeta is right. Maybe they just want to see me hurt. Maybe if I don't show them that I'm hurt, they will just stop. Maybe. I don't think so though. I don't, I wish I did, but I don't. I haven't really showed any emotions in school, so why would they start this up now? Is there a particular reason?

"Hey guys", I hear Peeta say.

I look up and see the others approach us. They all have very serious faces. Finnick looks like he wants to kill someone. Like literary kill someone.

I raise an eyebrow as they come closer. I almost get scared of Finnick's facial expression. He looks really dangerous. Gale looks like he wants to hurt someone really badly and Annie and Madge looks furious yet sad at the same time.

"What's up with you guys?" I ask and close my locker. They don't answer. "Well my day's been just great so far, being called a whore and everything".

"Katniss..." Peeta says mildly and takes my hand.

Finnick takes one step forward towards me.

"Who? Who said that?" He asks in a murderous voice, almost jumping onto me, grabbing my arms.

I get so taken aback that I jump backwards out of shock and terror. I don't like when people are coming on to me like that. Not after what happened. It scares the shit out of me.

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