🌟Chapter 1 :- ( Detail's Un-noticed )🌟

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Year 2008....

" And the winner of our most adorable baby goes to Owen Averwood " Announcer said as everyone started clapping.

" Oh my god !!! I can't belive we won " Alice said bouncing her 2 year old son
in her arms.

" Congratulations Mr and Mrs Averwood " Mr Roland said who was the head of managment.

" We won sweetheart !! " Alice said smiling at her son and Owen giggles.

" Mommy !! we won " Owen said smiling in his Dad's arms.

" Since your son won the competition , we will be giving you a pay check of 10,000$ along with an exclusive offer "  Mr Roland said.

" That's a very big amount " Alice said.

" We can put that money for Owen's College fund , when he will get older " Jason said.

" So what's the offer " Alice asked.

" My Boss Mr Stuart house will explain you about It in detail " Mr Roland said and a man in suit stepped in.

" Hello Mr and Mrs Averwood , My name is Stuart House and I am the owner of  the managment company who organized this event " Mr Stuart said shaking his hands with them.

" Mr Roland was talking about some kind of offer ? So can you tell us about it ? " Jason asked.

" You might have heard about
' Pampers ' diapers that many parents use for their children and even doctors recommend It , so If you agree we will take your son's picture and it will be used on every single product baby product " Mr Stuart said.

" I guess It's good thing , what do you say honey " Alice said looking at her husband.

" I am fine with It but how are we gone explain this to Owen when he will get older " Jason asked.

" I think we will cross the bridge when the time will come " Alice said.

" Alright now that you have made the decision , let's do the paperwork " Mr Stuart said bringing the papers " this agreement says that since your child his a minor your making the decision on his behalf and also that your giving us right to use his picture on every product of our company- " before Mr Stuart could complet e the sentence Alice phone started ringing.

" Hello..! Yes ?Ethan did what ! yea we are coming " Alice said.

" What's the matter Alice ? " Jason asked.

" Ethan's babysitter Rebecca called , she said that Ethan flew her Dad's rare green Macaw parrot that they brought from guatemala " Alice said.

" I told you we shouldn't let a teenage girl watch him " Jason said sighing.

" On such a short notice she was the only one who agreed on watching Ethan , I think we should get going " Alice said as Jason took a very tired Owen into his arms.

" Umm Mr and Mrs Averwood - " Mr Stuart said catching their attention.

" Oh !! Sorry Mr Stuart , here let me sign " Jason said signing the agreement and Mr Stuart didn't got a chance to say anything.

" - raising children isn't easy " Mr Roland said looking at his boss.

" They didn't let me explain the important part - " Mr Stuart said.

Important part which said that company has a right to call Owen whenever they need him until he turns an adult.

Year 2021...

Averwood residence.....

🌟Owen's Pov🌟

I woke up turning off the alarm clock and got out of the bed climbing downstairs and taking seat.

" Good morning Kiddo " Dad said while reading the newspaper.

" Morning Dad , Mom what's for breakfast  " I said.

" Heh sweetie , here's some eggs , sausage and bacon " Mom said serving me and I started eating.

" Hey squirt , Morning Mom and Dad " Ethan said sitting beside me.

" You seem in hurry son " Dad asked.

" Yes , we are having football practice and our tournament is in next month , we got little time left so coach wants us to do some extra practice " Ethan said.

" Alright " Dad said.

" Owen have you thought what are you gone do in your summer vacation ? It's only few days of school left , do you want to join the summer camp ? " Mom asked me.

" I don't know Mom , I haven't decided yet - " I said shrugging and put my plate in the sink after finishing my breakfast.

" I will get It !! " Ethan said as there was a knock on the door.

" Who is there ? " Dad asked.

" Hello Mr and Mrs Averwood , it's nice to meet you guys agsin " I looked in confusion as Mom and Dad were looking at each other stunned.

" Mr Stuart House !? " Mom and Dad said at the same time.

" If you don't mind , can I come In ? I think there's something we need to talk about " Mr Staurt asked.

" Mom who is he ? " I asked.

" Uh ! You must be little Owen !! you have grown up , you might not know me but I have met you and your parents " Mr Stuart said.

" We have ? " I asked.

" Yes we have ! you are our Star boy of our product !! " Mr Stuart said.

" Mr Stuart ! I thought the deal was over - " Dad said going visibly pale.

" Wait ! I am a Star ? what star I am " I asked.

" Oh ? So your parents didn't tell you ? " Mr Stuart asked.

" Tell me what ? " I asked.

" Your the face of our product ' Pampers ' baby diapers !! , Your our star boy " Mr Stuart said pulling a package of pampers.

" WHAT !? " I asked my face turning bright red and Ethan laughing.

To be Continued.....


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