🌟Chapter 13 :- ( Cleaning the Mess ) 🌟

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🌟Owen's Pov🌟

So after the incident with hell raisers FBL had warned us no more fights or our team will be disqualified from the

But things for Mr Stuart weren't going that good.

" I can't believe this ! " Dad said throwing his hands in air , frustration clearly etched on his face.

" Dad I think you should listen to
Owen- " Ethan said.

" Owen , your still a minor and
Mr Stuart should have come to us before he manupilated - " Dad said.

" - Manupilated , really Dad ! his deal seemed fair and square , If anyone is responsible - " I said.

" - Alright both of you , calmn down " Mom said.

" I am really sorry Mr and Mrs Averwood , I had no intention - "
Mr Stuart said who looked a bit sad.

" - You Just don't know how and when to open your mouth do you Mr Stuart " Dad said.

" Look I know , I shouldn't have yelled loudly but I thought - " Mr Stuart was about to say something when we heard Mr Roland in his three piece suit walking towards Mr Stuart.

" What the heck Stuart !! I was in the middle of meeting In Santa Monica when I got call that you got multiple law suits filed against you "
Mr Ronald said.

" Kids parents weren't happy - " Mr Stuart said.

" Happy !!? , Stuart!! you manipulated bunch of 14 years old into doing something without their parents consent !! , do you think they will be happy , our company is already facing crises and you go and pull this kind of shi* " Mr Roland said.

" Alright !! first of all I did not manipulate anyone into doing anything , kids agreed on to It , we had a fair and square deal " Mr Stuart said.

" Uh ya , Mr Stuart is right , we agreed on that If we test his product he will help us with basketball practice " I said.

" Alright , maybe but you got us into a very big mess Stuart " Mr Roland said.

" Stop yelling at me Roland !!! If you don't remember let me remind you I am still your Boss and you still work for me " Mr Stuart said.

" I do not work for you , I work with you and this company " Mr Ronald said getting closer to Mr Stuart practically in his face.

" Get out of my face Ronald or I will punch you " Mr Stuart said growling.

" I would like to see you do that boss " Mr Roland said.


" Hey ! you both " Dad said and both of them looked at him " is this how Ceo and owner a company talk !? , my kids have got more maturity then you both " Dad gave them his best
'both-had-enough 'look.

" Tell that to Mr-I-know-everything " Mr Ronald said mocking Mr Stuart.

" Jerk ! - " Mr Stuart kicked Mr Ronald in his shin.

" Ouch ! why you ! " Mr Ronald holding his knee.

" ENOUGH !! , you both go to your rooms " Dad said.

" You can't make us !!!!! " They said.

" Try me " Dad said and Mr Stuart took his room key and slammed the door of his room and Mr Ronald did the same.

" Jesus ! Sometimes they remind of Ethan and Owen " Dad said with hand on his hip.

" Sure they do " Mom said.

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