🌟Chapter 19 :-( Casting Ethan )🌟

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🌟Owen's Pov🌟

So I was sitting on couch playing free fire and eating some Cheeros.

" Mom pleaseeee ! " Ethan said while Mom was washing dishes.

" Sweetheart you should go and ask your Dad " Mom said.

" Ok Mom " Ethan said and walked towards Dad who was working on his laptop.

" Dad can I take your car ? I want to take my girlfriend on drive - " Ethan said.

" No " Dad said.

" What!? Why ! " Ethan said.

" Ethan do you remember when you took my car last time ? , there was a freaking dent on the back door "
Dad said.

" How did you...." Ethan said glaring at me.

" Woah ! don't look me Ethan , Dad was gone find out anyway " I said shrugging.

" Oh ya !! so how about when you sneaked out of  to meet Camilia and I covered your ass- " Ethan said.

" Don't pull her into this - " I said.

" Boys ! Enough ! Ethan your not getting my car and that's final "
Dad said.

" But Dad I promise I will be careful ! " Ethan said.

" Young man you should have thought about this before you put dent on my car , you have to start take responsibility for things you do " Dad said.

" It's your fault ! you had to go and tattle to Dad " Ethan said looking at me.

" How's this my fault If you suck at driving " I said smirking.

" Why you little- " Ethan said growling.

" Hello my little friend ! " I heard
Mr Stuart say as he walked I side.

" Hiii Mr Stuart " I said smiling.

" Hello Mr Stuart , please take a seat " Dad said.

" Thank you Mr Averwood " Mr Stuart
Said taking a seat.

" Mr Stuart would you like something to drink " Mom said smiling.

" Something sweet like you
Mrs Averwood " Mr Stuart said grinning.

" Oh that's really nice of you to say
Mr Averwood , I wish my husband could be saying that " Mom said.

" Alice you are sweeter than honey , I wish I could eat- " Dad said.

" Woah ! guys too much Information ! " I said scrunching my nose.

" So what brings you here Mr Stuart " Mom asked.

" I need Owens help but I heard some yelling ? Is everything ok between you and Ethan " Mr Stuart asked looking at me.

" Ya he is being a Jerk " I said.

" Hey !! I am not being a Jerk , I want to take my girlfriend on drive but Dad won't let me have car..." Ethan said looking down.

" That's it ? If you want I can let you have one of my car " Mr Stuart said.

" Wait ! really " Ethan said.

" Yes but only If you do something for me " Mr Stuart said.

" I will do anything you want
Mr Stuart " Ethan said.

" Alright ! , Is it ok If I take Ethan and Owen " Mr Stuart said looking at our parents.

" Ya Sure Just drop them at home by evening "  Dad said and Mr Stuart nodded.

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