🌟Chapter 38:- ( Its The Season )🌟

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Sup guys 😋I am back with Another awesome update of Pampers Star Boy.

This Year Pampers Star Boy become my first Story to reach 1k.

Please Enjoy the Next Chapter !!☺.


🌟Owen's Pov🌟

So school was finally out for Holiday Season and I was helping Dad decorating the house.

So school was finally out for Holiday Season and I was helping Dad decorating the house

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" Owen can you please hand me those lights ? " Dad said who was putting on lights.

" Yea sure Dad " I said handing It down to Dad.

" Hey Dad can I go with my friends for Ice-skateing ? " Ethan asked who had scarf wrapped around his neck.

" No " Dad said.

" What ! Why !? " Ethan asked.

" Ethan last thing I want is to take a trip to Emergency Room on Christmas, I don't want you falling and hurting yourself " Dad said.

" That's not fair ! you wouldn't say the same thing If Owen would have asked you " Ethan said frowning.

" Duh because I am Dad's favorite "
I said.

" Shut It ! Twerp " Ethan said smacking me.

" Ouch ! Ethan your a Jer- " I said.

" Boys ! that's Enough ! " Dad said.

" Yes Sir " we said keeping quite.

" Sweetie can you help me with these Gingerbread cookies " Mom said giving me tray of cookies as I placed them on table.

I was about to head out for my room when I heard knocking on the door.

I am getting bad feeling about It.....

" I will get It " Ethan said opening the door finding none other than
Mr Stuart standing there with his usual goofy grin.

" Hello guys ! , Happy Holiday Season ! " Mr Stuart said smiling.

" Happy Holiday Season to you too
Mr Stuart " We said.

" Ah ! Mrs Averwood ! How do you know I like gingerbread cookies "
Mr Stuart said picking one and taking a bite.

" It's a family traditiona Mr Stuart , I make them evey years " Mom said.

" They are so sweet and delicious Just like you Mrs Averwood " Mr Stuart said winking at Mom and she blushed.

" One more comment and I am going to make sure this Man ends up five feet under the ground " Dad said mumbling.

Dad was gonna Kill Mr Stuart for sure.....

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