🌟Chapter 10:- ( The Girl Next Door )🌟

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🌟Owen's Pov🌟

I could finally sit back and relax because School was finally OVER and It was SUMMER VACATION.

Ah ! FREEDOM it smells so good.

I walked downstrairs and walked outside.

I could here birds cheerping and It was really good day.

I saw a long transporting truck parked Infront of our neighbours house.

" Ethan what's going on ? " I asked Ethan who was watering the plants.

" Well Squirt Mr Winks sold his house and now some other people are moving Into there " Ethan said and I nodded.

" Oh " I saw a girl with short blonde hair carrying sone stuff Inside who seemed to be around my age.

Looks like this Summer Vacation will be really awesome.

" Ethan , Owen we need to go and greet our new neighbours " Mom said.

" Aw come on Mom !! I still have to water the plants - " Ethan said.

" - You can water them later , now come on let's go " Mom said and we nodded and walked with Mom to our neighbours porch.

Mom knocked on the door as a lady opened the door.

" Hi , I am Alice " Mom said smiling.

" Hello Alice , I am Amanda , please come inside " Amanda said smiling.

" We saw that you guys moved in today so me and my kids decided to stop by and say Hello , by the way this my oldest son Ethan and his little brother Owen " Mom said.

" Hii " we said..

" Oh thats sweet of you , my girls would be like to meet you too , Kate ! Camilia ! " Amanda said as two girls walked.

Oldest Kate had long brown hair tied in a pony tail while her Sister Camilia
had boonde hair upto her shoulder.

" Oh and my husband , Andrew " Amanda said and we looked at man with broad shoulders.

" Hiii " Kate gave Ethan a smile and Ethan's face lit up.

" Hi..." Ethan said smiling.

" Hi , I am Owen " I said looking at Camilia with a goofy grin and she giggled.

" Hii , I am Camilia " Camilia said.

I don't know If love at first sight exist but I am sure I was starting to have a crush on ' Camilia '.

But Karma is a Bit*h and things never go as they are planned.

After a few hours...

" Hello there my little friend " Mr Stuart said when I was skateboarding in front yard.

" Hello Mr Stuart , let me guess your here for me to test one of your new products ? " I asked.

" Yup !! , How about we talk about it inside " Mr Stuart said and I nodded.

" Mom !! Mr Stuart is here " I said walking inside as we took a seat.

" Hello Mr Stuart , would you like some coffee " Mom asked.

" No thanks Mrs Averwood but thanks for asking , right now I am here for Owen to help us with testing a new product " Mr Stuart said.

" Ha ! looks like Baby brother some Pampers time " Ethan said smirking.

" Shut It , Jerk " I said nudging Ethan.

" Dork " Ethan said.

" Ratass " I said.

" Take that back ! " Ethan said.

" No ! " I said.

" Boys ! How about we let Mr Stuart speak " Mom said and we nodded.

" Boys ! How about we let Mr Stuart speak " Mom said and we nodded

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" This Summer ' Pampers.Co.Limited ' is launching ' Summer Edition ' , Summer comes with your kids playing on grounds in Sun and therefore they need to drink a lot of water In order to stay hydrated , no worries about stopping for bathroom breaks , ' Pampers Summer Edition ' can absorb a lot pee keeping it away from your kids skin , the natural ointment stops skin irritation and rash , so buy It Now !! " Mr Stuart said.

" Alright , now what do I have to do ? " I asked.

" You need to wear this and go out play " Mr Stuart said.

" Woah ! wait , why do I have to go out wearing this ? " I asked.

" Well It's made to me wore outside so duh " Mr Stuart said.

" Oh ok " I said and took the diapers.

" Oh and don't put on anything else , it's already hot " Mr Stuart said.

" What !?? Mom ! I can't go outside like this , what If - " I said.

" Don't worry sweetie , not many people would be out this time " Mom said.

" Alright , If you say so " I said and Mom helped me getting In Pampers
' Summer Edition ' which had picture of octopus , fish and Sun wearing.


Mom had insisted me on putting sunscreen so I don't get sunburnt and she had fussed over me for atleast
10 minutes to put the suncreen.

So I was out in Just the Pampers and honestly I was feeling like I was toddler again.

" Hey Squirt " Ethan pointed the water sprinkling hose at me and I laughed at It made me wet.

" Ethan ! I am gone get you " I said picking up the similar hose and ran behind  Ethan giggling.

" You can't catch me kiddo " Ethan said and I had already soaked the diaper.

I was enjoing this until I saw Camilia walking from her house.

" Oh my god !!! " I said looking at Camilia and see looked at me.

" Owen what are you doing...Wait is that a diaper ? I don't want to make you feel bad but you look  a bit too old to be running around the yard Just in
Diapers , but still you look cute " Camilia said giggling and winked at me as I stood there my face red from embarrassment.

" Oh god !! Camilia saw me like this..." I said.

" Atleast you weren't naked..." Ethan said.

" Not helping the situation Ethan " I said.

Oh my god !!! I was never going live down this , Camilia saw me like this !!!

Godammit Mr Stuart!!!

Wait ? she winked at me and called me cute ? So was there a chance.

I hope so....

To Be Continued....


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