🌟 Chapter 37 :- ( Pamper's Deal )🌟

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( Sup guys 😘😋I am back with another awesome chapter of Pamper's Star Boy , I hope you guys will enjoy It ).


🌟Owen's Pov🌟

After the Halloween was over we were back at school and Thanksgiving was only few days later.

" Hey Diaper Boy ! watch where you going " I growled as one of Kyle's goons shoved me.

" Fuc* Off !! " I said.

" Hey man , you ok ? " Tom asked.

" Yeah just fine Tom , I just hate these jerks " I said.

" Owen ! Hey " I heard familiar voice of Camilia and I turned behind.

" Oh hey Camilia " I said smiling.

" Tomorrow I am going with my family at ' Blue Olive ' restaurant , Owen I would love If you Join us with your family " Camilia asked.

" Ya sure , I just need to ask my parents If they are upto it " I said.

" Alright , I will see you tomorrow "
Camilia said giving me kiss on my cheek.

" Holy Sh*t , Owen I think Camilia Loves you " Tom said.

" I think she does...." I said blushing.

Later At Home....

" Hey Mom ! I am back " I said.

" How was your day at school Owen ? " Dad asked.

" It was fine , where is Ethan ? " I asked.

" He went out with his friends for soccer practice sweetheart "
Mom said.

" Mom , Dad can I ask you something ? " I asked.

" Ya sure Owen , What is it " Dad asked.

" Camilia Invited us at ' Blue Olive '
Restaurant to eat with her family , Can we go ? " I asked.

" I think we should go " Dad asked.

" Thanks Dad - " I was about to go to my room when I heard Mr Stuart's Voice.

Oh no...

Here comes the trouble......

" Hello Mr and Mrs Averwood "
Mr Stuart said smiling.

" Mr Stuart ! please come Inside , would you like to have something to drink ? " Mom asked.

" Mrs Averwood after looking in those blue watery eyes of yours I don't feel thirsty anymore...." Mr Stuart said giving Mom a cheeky smile.

" You always flatter me Mr Stuart " Mom said.

" Looks like I need to dig a grave In my backyard....." Dad said mumbling.

One more time Mr Stuart flirts with Mom , Dad will surely Murder him.


" So what brings you here today .
Mr Stuart ? " Dad asked.

" Let me guess , you want my help In testing another product of yours "
I asked.

" Yup " Mt Stuart said.

" Alright , bring It on " I said.

" Alright , bring It on " I said

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