🌟Chapter 18 :- ( Pampers Vs Huggies )🌟

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🌟Owen's Pov🌟

So It was quite hot day and I was cutting the grass with lawnmower when I saw Mr Stuart's car parked
in front of our house.

" Sheesh ! It's really hot " Mr Stuart said getting out of his car who was wearing shorts and white t-shirt.

" Hello Mr Stuart " I said smiling and turning off the lawnmower.

" Hello there My little friend " Mr Stuart said.

" Let me guess , you need my help ? " I asked.

" Yup but this time things are kinda tense " Mr Stuart said.

" What do you mean tense ? " I asked.

" How about we go inside and talk ? " Mr Stuart said.

" Ya sure " I said and we got inside.

" Ah you look gorgeous Mrs Averwood " Mr Stuart said looking at Mom.

" Oh I am flattered Mr Stuart , you are charming Indeed " Mom said and I was like WTF?.

Mr Stuart is flirting with Mom !!!

" It's quite hot outside " Mr Stuart said.

" I know , would you like to drink some fresh orange Juice " Mom asked.

" If that's no trouble " Mr Stuart said.

" I will bring It right away " Mom said as Ethan took seat beside me.

" So Mr Stuart , what is so important that you wanted to talk about " I aaker.

" Ok , you see what happened...."
Mr Stuart started to explain.


" How could you do that !!! that sponsorship was supposed to be ours " Mr Stuart said.

" Haven't you heard Stuart ? Early bird gets to eat the worm , our company got this sponsorship first " Mr Gordon Owner of Huggies.Co.Limited said.

Mr Gordon was In his 50's and had bushy beard.

" That's only because you bribed the person who was going to give sponsorship to us " Mr Stuart said.

" Your Just saying that because you know my Huggies are better than your Pampers " Mr Gordon said.

" That's not true ! Pampers are better than Huggies ! " Mr Stuart said.

" Huggies are better " Mr Gordon said.

" Pampers ! "

" Huggies ! "

" Pampers ! "

" This conversation will take us no where , there has to be a way to decide who is better " Mr Gordon said.

" How do we do that ? " Mr Stuart said.

" Let's have a competition ! ,
Huggies Vs Pampers ultimate showdown ! we will test both products side by side and see who is better " Mr Gordon said.

" And winner will take the sponsorship and promote others brand " Mr Stuart said.

" Deal ! " Mr Gordon said shaking hands with Mr Stuart said.

Present time.....

" So that's what happened , you will have to help us to protect reputation of our company " Mr Stuart said.

" So when's the competition ? " Mom asked giving glass of Juice to
Mr Stuart.

" It's tomorrow " Mr Stuart said and I nodded.

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