🌟Chapter 16 :- ( Charity Event )🌟

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🌟Owen's Pov🌟

It was early morning so I got out of my bed and walked downstairs finding Ethan , Mom and Dad were still asleep.

I yawned and went to grab some milk from fridge so I can have some ceral.

When I herd knock on the door.

Oh might be there at the butt crack of the morning.

" Coming " I said and opened the door finding Mr Stuart.

" Good morning my little friend " Mr Stuart said smiling.

" Mr Stuart * yawn * It's not even 8 am of morning , what are you doing up so early " I asked rubbing my eyes.

" Well Owen I run a company , It doesn't matter what time it is to do the business " Mr Stuart said.

Some of us are normal human beings compared to you.

" Mr Stuart whatever It is I can't do it until I eat breakfast and until my parents are awake " I said.

" Oh ? Why don't we go and see If they are awake " Mr Stuart said.

" I don't think it will be such an good idea , Dad won't like- " I said.

" We might just go and see If they are awake , I have to tell something important and I don't have time "
Mr Stuart said looking at his watch.

" Fine " I said and we walked upstairs with Mr Stuart.

" Wait did you heard that " Mr Stuart asked.

" Heard what ? " I asked.

" It sounded like panting " Mr Stuart said.

" It must be Dad possibly snoring " I said.

" But Owen , you should probably knock- " Mr Stuart said.

" Ok , how about we both open It at the same time " I said.

" I think that's a good Idea " Mr Stuart said and we pushed open the door.

" Jason !! Harder !! " when we opened the door what we saw made our Jaws drop.

Mom and Dad were doing that .

" AHHHH !!! " Mr Stuart and I yelled.

" Owen ! Mr Stuart ! what are you doing in our room at this time " Mom said grabbing the sheets.

" My Eyes !!! , couldn't you guys have locked the door " I said putting hands over my eyes.

" I guess I forgot " Dad said.

" Jason ! Ummm Owen , Mr Stuart why don't you go dowstrairs and wait for us " Mom said.

" Sure " I said closing the door

" I told you I heard - " Mr Stuart said.

" I really don't ever want to talk about this ...." I said.


" Oh my god !! that's freaking hilarious " Ethan said laughing.

" I need to wash my eyes with Holy water after this " I said groaning.

" So Mr Stuart what Is so important that you came here this early " Dad asked.

" Ah Mr Averwood , our company is organizing a Charity Event and we need Owen help us with It " Mr Stuart said.

" What are we going to actually do in the Event " I asked.

" Ceo's and Owner's of other companies would be there to attend It and we will need to make sure our company looks best " Mr Stuart said.

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