🌟Chapter 14 :- ( Play Date ? )🌟

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🌟Owen's Pov🌟

So due to some reason FBL had to postpone our first official match and we were back at home.

Mr Roland and Mr Stuart had been busy so I haven't sawn them in a few days after we had fun at beach.

So today was actually my official date with Camilia and I was really excited.

" Mom ! I am going to go and see Camilia " I said taking my skayeboard.

" Oh ? Isn't that the new girl that lives next door " Mom asked.

" Yup " I said.

" Wait ? your seeing her aren't you " Ethan asked sitting on couch.

" We are just good friends " I said with little blush on my cheeks.

" Aww , I am happy for you sweetie " Mom said ruffling my hair.

" Mom we have nothing yet between us " I said seriously.

" Right bro and in no time you both will be In bed- " Ethan grinned and was about to finish to sentence when Mom sent him a glare.

" Ok go and have fun " Mom said.

" Alright Mom see ya later- " I was about to step out when I saw
Mr Stuart.

Déjà vu....

" Hello there my little friend " Mr Stuart said smiling.

" Hi Mr Stuart , If you don't mind I have to go - " I said when Ethan grabbed me.

" Owen Mr Stuart might be here for something important , that's no way to greet someone , now is it ? " Ethan said.

" Mr Stuart let me guess , your here so Owen can help you test your new product " Mom asked.

" But Mommmm ! I am getting late- "
I said.

" Shush Owen , adults are talking " Mom said smiling at Mr Stuart.

Right adults...

" Ah , your really clever
Mrs Averwood " Mr Stuart said.

" Wish My husband could agree with me " Mom said laughing along with Mr Stuart.

" Owen , I have a new product that you might like to test " Mr Stuart asked.

" -And that is ? " I asked.

" Pampers brings you ' Pampers ' Premium pants ' Play date ' version , young teenagers in love who like to date and don't want to have endless time with their partner without entrupition ' Pampers ' Premium pants , play daye version holds wetness ...

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" Pampers brings you ' Pampers ' Premium pants ' Play date ' version , young teenagers in love who like to date and don't want to have endless time with their partner without entrupition ' Pampers ' Premium pants , play daye version holds wetness longer than your normal diaper , also It has a small alarm that goes off when the diaper is full so there are no issues of diaper rash , It's really comfortable around your waist so buy It now " Mr Stuart said.

" No ! there's no way I am going to see Camilia wearing this - " I said.

" It's not like she will notice " Mr Stuart said.

" Ya sweetie " Mom said.

" Fine but only If Mr Stuart doesn't open his mouth..." I said.

" Don't worry my little friend , I will zip my mouth and only open It If needed " Mr Stuart said.

" Ok , let's get over It " I said and Mom helped me getting changed.


I felt the diaper that I was wearing under my Jeans and It was due time to meet Camilia.

" Hiii Owen " Camilia said smiling who was wearing a pretty red dress with a straw hat.

" Hii Cam , so what do you want to do ? " I asked.

" I was thinking we could go down to coffee shop and drink some coffee " Camilia said.

" I have some money from Dad which I got after cleaning the shed , so I think we can go and have some coffee " I said.

" Sure " Camilia said.

At Cafe....

We sat there drinking coffee and talking while I squirmed in pee soaked diaper.

Shouldn't have drank that coffee....

" Hey you ok ? " Camilia asked.

" Uh ya everything is fine , so did you know - " I was about to say something when I heard a beeping noise.

Oh shit...

" Did you hear It " Camilia asked.

" Heard what ? " I asked.

" It sounded like beeping noise- " Camilia said.

No no no no !! not now..


" Owen ! my little friend , I forgot to tell you the alarm is kinda loud- "
Mr Stuart said opening the door of the Cafe.

" Too...Late..." I said blushing red when I realized Camilia was looking at me.

" Aww that's so cute but I will see you later...have fun..." Camilia said giggling and left.

" MR STUART !! " I said and ran behind him.

" I am sorry ! I am sorry " Mr Stuart said running.

The day ended with a me with a letter from Camilia that she was sorry for earlier and that she would like to hang out with me later.

Mr Stuart promised me that he will never go on a date.

There goes my day...

To Be Continued....


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