🌟Chapter 9 :- ( Basketball Tournament )🌟

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🌟Owen's Pov🌟

I was so excited !!! only 5 days were remaining until summer Vacation.

But we still had one thing left.

Annual school Basketball Tournament that was going to be tomorrow and I was on the team.

" Hey Mom ! we are having basketball practice for our Annual school Basketball Tournament so I will se ya later " I said.

" Alright sweetheart , make sure you practice hard , you need to do your best tomorrow " Mom said.

" Don't worry Mom , I will do my best -  " I said and got ready Into my basketball t-shirt and shorts.

At Oliverfield High school....

" Alright boys , we need to ready for tomorrow's tournament so I need you to be alert " Coach Bradford said.

" Yes Coach " we said.

" Hey Panssy ass hope you don't shit your pants during tournament " Kyle said laughing.

" Fuc* off Kyle " I said growling.

" Right , why don't shut your mouth Kyle , atleast Owen doesn't screams like a little girl " Tom said grinning.

" I don't scream like a little girl
Harold " Kyle said only few inches from beating Tom.

" You do ! when we went on field trip during spring break , a squrriel went up your pants and you screamed like a little girl " Tom said and everyone started laughing as Kyle's face turned bright red from emmbarassment.

" Harold !! I am gonna - " Kyle growled with Coach Bradford wistled.

" Mr Jenkins !! If you want to stay on the team I would suggest to keep your mouth shut " Coach Bradford said and Kyle nodded mumbling something.

" Thanks Tom , you saved me " I said smiling.

" Anything for you dude " Tom said.

After the practice was over I saw
Mr Stuarts car was parked infront of my house.

Here we go.....

" Hey Mom I am home " I  said.

" Hey sweetie how was the practice " Mom asked.

" It was good- Hi Mr Stuart " I said.

" Hello there my little friend , I was Just waiting for you " Mr Stuart said.

" Oh ummm can we talk after I get freshen up " I asked.

" Ya sure " Mr Stuart said and I nodded..

After a few minutes....

After taking shower I went downstairs.

" So Mr Stuart what is it that you want to talk about " I asked.

" I heard your kids are having Annual Basketball Tournament ? " Mr Stuart  asked.

" Yup " I said.

" I think It's right time to test our new product that is issued by board "
Mr Stuart said.

Oh that doesn't sounds good....

" -And what that might be ? " I asked.

" Are you a sports player who plays sports like ' Basketball ' then we havebrought ' Pampers Champion Edition ' for longer duration , It keeps wetness locked  which makes your skin rash free breathable also soft padding hugs your bottom , now play...

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" Are you a sports player who plays sports like ' Basketball ' then we have
brought ' Pampers Champion Edition '
for longer duration , It keeps wetness locked  which makes your skin rash free breathable also soft padding hugs your bottom , now playing sports gets easier with ' Pampers Champion Edition , buy now " Mr Stuart said.

" Wait ? don't say I have to - " I said.

"Yup your right Owen , Your tournament is the right moment to test this product " Mr Stuart said.

" Mom ! he can't be serious , If anyone finds out It would be really emmbarassing " I said whinning.

" Because they will be able to see your padded butt " Ethan said snickring as he walked Into kitchen.

" Ethan ! don't tease your brother " Mom said.

" Sorry Mom " Ethan said.

" Owen , no one will find out and I know It's a little emmbarassing but we have no other choice " Mom said.

" Fine " I said.

" Good !!! I will see you tomorrow at the tournament Owen and also I will be there to cheer your team " Mr Stuart said smiling and handing me package of ' Pampers Champion Edition '.

I hope nothing goes wrong....

Next day....
Oliverfield Highschool...

" Please put a round of applause for our both team , Olivefield team from  and Danver team from Brook ground High " Both the team toon their respective places.

" This game will be 48 minutes and each team has to maje 21 points the team which has maximum points wins the game " Refree said and everyone nodded.

I could feel the soft material under my shorts and I had already wet it once from nervousness.

Hope it doesn't leak....

47 minutes later....

Scores were this

Danver Team :- 20 points...

Olivefield Team :- 20 points.

" As you can see the score we have 1 minute left and anything can happen " Commentator said and the crowd held their breaths.

I quickly made eye contact with Tom and told him to throw the ball at me.

I took the ball made my way to the opponent teams ring.

" Everyone ! hold your breathes ! " I Jumped throwing the ball and It got inside.

" YAY!! " Crowd cheered and before I knew my shorts had slide down my soaked Pampers got exposed to everyone and I blushed trying to hide It with my t-shirt.

" Owen ! that shot was awesome ! " Tom said.

" Not right now ! - " I was about to yank back my shorts when everyone picked me up and threw me in air.

" Owen Averwood our Pampers Star boy is our new basketball Champion " Principal Louis said.

" Guys !! I need to my pants back " I knew I was hero but I still needed back my pants.

The day ended with our team winning the tournament but I was never gonna live down the embarrassment of  making the last shot with exposed soaked diaper.

To Be Continued.....


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