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Arlo: Fashionista
Seraphina: Emo
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty
Blyke: Thot
Cecile: Ropeman
Evie: Angel

Band aid: I feel like it's been awhile since Something happened like idk 😶

Emo: ikr it's like this school is normal ish

John: besides everyone bearing each other btf up all the time

Band aid: well besides that

Fashionista: watch the school blow up after you all say that ☠️

John: brb I gtg

Emo: leaving us? Smh

CloutThirsty: y'all stfu I'm in class nd this teacher hella scary

Thot: what he said

Emo: she's not that bad

Band aid: now that's just a lie

Fashionista: get off your phones then

Band aid: whatevr

CloutThirsty: aight txt you guys later


It's been since may 24th 2020 and I updated more than 12 times tbh proud, but this is the end to this book. I have fully moved on from unOrdinary and don't really have any motivation to finish this book. So thank you to the ones who are just starting to read and the ones who have been here since the beginning, cya around.

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