who gave her a knife

997 43 37

Seraphina: Emo
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty
Blyke: Thot
Cecile: Ropeman
Evie: Angel

Holden: I feel like there's and age range for poop jokes

Ropeman: what

Holden: no like hear me out so when ur like 5-8 poop jokes are funny but when ur 9-11 they're aren't and the test of the age range just depends on how deceased it humour is

CloutThirsty: I am apart of that 10% that finds poop jokes funny

Ropeman: Imagine if this got out to the entire school 😹😹✌️

Thot: 🗿u better not

Ropeman: Only if you give 20$

CloutThirsty: fine I'll pay up 😔

Band aid: lmao

John: am I the only one that like fucking gremlin crawls up the stairs??

Remi: me too like it's saved so much energy

Arlo: chile- anyways so

Arlo: why does Evie have a knife


Band aid: yeh I saw that too

Angel: somebody just gave it to me    
(• ▽ •;)

Holden: Wait who ☠️

Angel: idk they just did

Ropeman: what the hell is wrong with wellston

Arlo: ^

Angel: at least nobody's coming after me (´-﹏-';)

Remi: plus you'd be to nice to ever actually cut someone

Remi: right?

Angel: only if they ever came after my friends ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Thot: lmao remember when Isen was stalking John and we questioned him abt it and he said he had a crush on him, then we tried to set them up @ remi


John: what the fuck.

CloutThirsty: y'alls lucky I stalked Jim or else we would have never known abt his little ✨ ability ✨

John: ...

CloutThirsty: shit

Thot: but like isn't that how you came out to us and like we didn't question it

CloutThirsty: yeahsbbaqkakhf

Emo: I can't tell if that's a keyboard smash or he's getting killed

John: #2

Holden: 👁️👄👁️


Arlo: yeah♥️

CloutThirsty: grrrrr bark woof grr woof woof bark


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Ropeman: why is the middle baby so distressed ☠️

John: I wanna kick the unhatched one

Emo: "I wanna lick the unhatched one"


Remi: licked-

Emo: oh lmao *kicker

Band aid: I got acrylics and it's so hard to type in them 😔

Arlo: I feel ur pain

Angel: what?

Arlo: 😃🍴✨

Ropeman: femboy Arlo

Holden: ^

Band aid:^^

Emo: ^^^

John: ^^^^

CloutThirsty: ^^^^^

Remi: ^^^^^^

Thot: ^^^^^^^

Angel: (´;ω;`)^^^^^^^^

Arlo: I came here to have a good time but I'm honestly feeling really attacked rn

CloutThirsty: lmao I just Barked at some kids who told me being gay is sin and I'll burn in hell

Thot: it was so funny

Thot: but like ur bark and growl is good

CloutThirsty: I try 😌

John: GRRRR bark bark woof bark woof woof bark *growls* woof woof bark bark bark bark woof bark woof woof bark *growls* woof woof bark bark bark bark woof bark woof woof bark *growls* woof woof bark barkbark bark woof bark woof woof bark *growls* woof woof bark bark bark woof bark woof woof bark *growls* woof woof bark bark  bark bark woof bark woof woof bark *growls* woof woof bark bark

      -Arlo left 'A happy family'-

-holden added Arlo to 'A happy family'-

Holden: you'll never escape

Remi: ever

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