who tf!

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Seraphina: Emo
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty
Blyke: Thot
Cecile: Ropeman


Arlo: alright who the fuck shared our group chat with other people 🥰🥰🔪

Remi: I'm scared he used Emojis

Thot: wdym??

Arlo: when I was walking through the halls people were saying shit like -insert stuff that only the gc knows- ✨✨🔪

Emo: that was happening to me to

John: that's right the hell did that 😤😤 bc like 4 people came up asking me what their sexuality is-

CloutThirsty: okay it wasn't me I didn't even confirm any papers on it either

Arlo: oh shuuuuuure

John: calm down ladies

Arlo: wanna fucking go

John: sure man where we going Denny's?

Arlo: No. Absolutely not.

Holden: -rejected-

Remi: lol but yeah we need to find who did this! Some stuff got out that could ruin our reputation

CloutThirsty: plus John might go to Jail

Emo: wait w h a t?

CloutThirsty: flashback to chapter one where he might've killed Zeke

Thot: he's on crack again

Remi: seriously what?-

Band aid: w a i t

Band aid: Hey @ John

John: ye

Band aid: You're not working with Cecile wright??

John: No?

Emo: shit he used proper grammar hes lying

John: stfu

Arlo: 😃🔪

Thot: mom come pick me up I'm scared

CloutThirsty: oh shite

Remi: so that's why you added Cecile

Thot: mad tea

Remi: so she could take screenshots and ruin our rep

Arlo: you little bastard

Emo: John, r u n

John: lol it's just Arlo

Emo: he has a fork


Remi: last time he used a fork Isen had to go to the hosp

John: pics or it didn't happen


CloutThirsty: I fell betrayed

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CloutThirsty: I fell betrayed

Thot: g o o d

Emo: lmao Arlo's smiling ominously while holding a fork running down the hallways

Holden: ur a dead man John


CloutThirsty: oh well nice knowing you

CloutThirsty: I guess???

Arlo: Found you. :)

John: lmao he's so lameajaknsbKMan a Aman a little the gqscuofax

Band aid:A r l o

Arlo: Yes?

Band aid: did u kill him

Arlo: I'm offended, I would never have the audacity to to such a criminal act.

Thot: then why do u have blood on ur shirt and hands

-Remi added Ropeman to 'a happy family'-

Remi: :((( why Cecile

Ropeman: I have know idea what you're talking about.

CloutThirsty: i cant believe i simped for u

Ropeman: that's sad

Thot: we know what you did Cecile

Ropeman: Kay idc but what about John?

Holden: Arlo killed him with a fork

Ropeman: I doubt it

Remi: then why is sera dragging an unconscious John to the infirmary


Holden: w o w that is a deep wound

Arlo: one blow to the head

Emo: he's heavy wtf

Thot: that's bc he's prolly carrying like 70 pounds of pure muscle

Emo: how do u know that

CloutThirsty: thot u were loyal

Thot: no bae 😔😔 I would never I only walked into his room on accident when he was punching his Arlo faced punching bag with his shirt off

Remi: lmao I've seen the Punching bag it is like o f f it's hinges

Cecile: am I going to punished to as well, I guess a death sentence???

Holden: even worse

Cecile: what can be worse than death?? Tf

Remi: the most feared punishment of them all

Emo: by the lower of the royals/ important ppl

Arlo: we sentence you to

Remi: The Blyke and Isen punishment

CloutThirsty: :D

Thot: :D

Cecile: tf

Cecile: holy shit why are they at my classroom door

Cecile: kqsgqkgszakgkgzazajggkazaxmbvn

Arlo: I wonder how long she'll stay sane being forced to listen to those two's convo's

Remi: I almost feel bad

Remi: almost

John: I remember the first time I got the B/I (Blyke / Isen) punishment, it was hell listening to their fucked up convo's with so much pent up sexual tension

John: it was hell

Emo:  ikr its horrifying listening to those too

CloutThirsty: She seems to be enjoying her time she's whispering to herself stuff like "I would have taken death and "please kill me now"

Thot: tbh snakes are pretty interesting

Isen: yeah

Holden: wow I think she's breaking a record ya'know besides remi, but normally by now somebody would have tried to commit deathpacitho

John: Well we'll leave it to them I guess

(Sorry I didn't spell check so if random I's show up it's bc I was trying to put u also the Blyke and Isen punishment is when ur forced to listen to those too speak to eachother)

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