Monopoly pt.2

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Warningss: ⚠️underage drinking⚠️

And I haven't cleared this up yet, but This story is canon up until right after Joker beat all the royals. From there on they all made up to each other and are on meh terms.

-3rd person-

Remi sat at her bed and threw her phone across the room, she went to kitchen in the dorm and sighed. They would probably be here any second so she started to prepare some food.

About 2 minutes pass and she heard a knock on the door then a bang, "Holy shit-" could be located to Seraphina's voice at the doorway "Why did you do you that Sera-" was Elaine's voice.

'oh no what did they do to my door..' thought remi jogging over to the ruckus, hopefully nothing beyond repair- annnd the door was  gone.

"We can't go literally 30 seconds without destroying something" Said Holden walking into the room glancing at remi. Admittedly Holden was still horrified of the royals and high tiers they still were shit more powerful than him, well mentally no they could be compared to a monkey but in ability wise yeah.

   "Ya'know I'll just leave it there until arlo goes all apeshit about it being down and screws it back up." Remi said sighing and heading back to the kitchen to finish preparing food. "oh well, it's kinda funny." Seraphina said laughing to herself.

     Elaine, Seraphina, Evie and Holden had made it inside the dorm and sat down on the couch "Where is the monopoly board at!?" Seraphina yelled to Remi. "It's in my room on the bed!" Remi yelled back.

     Seraphina got up, so did Evie and the two girls went to go get the ✨ custom ✨ monopoly board. "I wonder how much Remi payed to get it." Evie said staring at the ground as she walked. "I'm betting she got the money from Arlo." Seraphina replied smirking. "Hehe, that's what I was thinking" Evie said giggling. Bye the time the two were done talking they had made it to Remi's room. Evie nervously walked while Seraphina acted like it was her house.

   "Found it!" Evie said picking up the package. "Huh she hasn't even opened it.." "Weird, anyways let's take it back to the living room, I think the other assholes are here. " Seraphina said her smirk turning into a grin.

      "Oh no, things are gona get ugly aren't they.." Evie said under her breath following Seraphina out the room. To find Isen, John, Blyke, Cecile (surprisingly)

   "Hey Sera!" John said, Seraphina and Evie sitting next to him. Remi got done with the snacks and excidetly sat down. "Evie may I have the package?" She asked bouncing a little where she was sitting. "O-oh uhh,,, yeah of course!" Evie stuttered out handing the monopoly board package to Remi. "Aannddddd thank you!" Remi replied ripping the package open a huge grin on her face.

    Holden and Arlo got up and Holden looked nervous. "John. Let's go get it." Arlo said bluntly starting to walk to the door. "Jeez, calm down fine." John said getting up to go walk with Arlo. Holden processed what had happened and caught up to john and Arlo. "They didn't actually do it-" Blyke said in a disappointed tone. "Oh no I think they did.." Isen responded leaning leaning forward.

   About 15 minutes later and Blyke almost accidentally setting the dorm on fire, and lots of screaming; Arlo Holden and John came back. (Wow I'm so fancy using ; )

    "What the hell happned-" john said waking in with a bottle of white wine. "You didn't-" Remi said "oh they did..." Isen said, even he was surprised.

     "Okay everybody!" Remi yelled slammed down the monopoly board. " Anybody who really doesn't want to play?" Seraphina and Blyke raised their hand. "Awwwww fine." Remi said. "That's perfect for two boards of players. Arlo spit out his drink. "Are you fucking kidding me" was followed bye as he flared at Remi. "You're the one who gave me the money" She started out confident but ended really nervous. "HAH CALLED IT" Seraphina yelled. Evie started to laugh as Arlo glared.

      Remi opened up the boards and set up who was going to Wich," Okay so Holden, Arlo, Isen, Cecile and  Me, Elaine, Evie.... Oh wait for did the math wrong." "Fine I'll do it" Blyke and Seraphina called out at the same time. "Actually I'm kinda scared to play so I'mma quit." Evie said timidly.

   That's when John piped up "It's no fun if we're all thinking clearly!" He yelled raising the bottle of red wine. "God damnit" could be heard from Cecile. "No way" said Remi reaching twoards a cup.

About 15 mins later and let's say it was kicking in (those who did t drink are are Cecile (probably in case somebody spills a secret, and Evie)

   "Oh my goddddd, can we start already?" Remi said slamming her head on the table. "Yeah okay let's do it!" Blyke said getting his peice. The other group (Cecile, Isen, Arlo, Holden) were laughing at some unknown reason. Cecile just pretending.


Let the true chaos begin

In the next chapter get noob

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