Blysen one shot

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Due to 3 ppl asking for it here's the Blyke x Isen one-shot Before we start I want to say If you Don't like the ship Blyke x Isen you don't have to read this, and if you do

It's free realstate

Also this is Cannon to the fic when they got together bc otp plus they're are like no stories for this pairing so enjoy!

Uhhhh also Isen can drive in this

-Blyke's pov-


  He was laying on the couch holding up his phone scrolling through Instagram looking for something to catch his eye.

"ugh I'm so borrrrred" he said laying over on his stomach sighing.

-rrrrrinnnnnngggggg  rrrrrinnnnnngggggg-

he picked up the phone "Hey Isen, watcha need."

"Mmmm just wanted to go for a night rainy drive. You in bro?"

"Hell yeah man you're my saviour because I am hella bored."

"Alright I'll there in like 15"


He got up and put on a plain red shirt and some and some black pants and  headed over to the kitchen to grab a snack. He picked up a granola bar and opened it.

"He better not be late..." He grumbled to himself eating the granola.


-Isen's pov-

He was 5 minutes away from the dorms 'Today's the day! The day i tell him I can't wait any longer, and what's better than chilling in the rain and talking...or that's just me crap! What if he rejects me didn't even think if that, oh well then.'

His mind was racing I mean a  confessional moment is a big moment

'Finally here, that took forever.' He grabbed out his spare keys to Blyke's door and unlocked the dorm room.

"Hey! Let's goooooo the the rain is only here for like 2 more hours!" Isen called out spinning his keys around on his pointer finger.

Blyke jumped off the couch and walked up to Isen "Alright let's get out of here.

Isen looked down to Blyke and snickered a little bit realizing how  a little taller then the redhed.

"I know what you're thinking and stop." Blyke hissed glaring up at Isen.

"Haha finnnee!" Isen laughed out Looking away from the mad Blyke.

"Kay. Uh you gonna be cold in that?" Blyke said looking at Isen up and down

"What do you mean?" Isen replied. "Uhhh it's pouring and you're wearing short sleeve and shorts. If you get sick don't blame me." Blyke said Starting to walk out of the room.

"Well I'm going to go out in the rain so imma get wet either way plus I don't wanna risk my hoodie!" Isen snapped back as the two walked down the stairs of the dorm chatting

'Should I go for it? He won't notice or mind right? Right.' Isen slipped his arm around Blyke's waist still talking casually as possible, well before dying of embarrassment.

  Blyke looked down to Isen's arm and sighed looking back up at Isen, seeing he was a blushing m e s s. Blyke pretend nothing happened much to The Orange heads relief.

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