Isen are u okay

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-Name guide-

Seraphina: Emo 
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty 
Blyke: Thot 

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John: I'm not an e-boy 

John: I'm a sk8ter boy 

John: E-boys, get girls where I get

John: bullied at school

Band aid: I hate this fucking family.

Arlo: what's scary is how much I wanna kill myself rn 

              (Camp Camp reference ;) )

CloutThirsty: i dont get it you could stop the bullies 

Emo: can i kill my parents please

Remi: as your guardian you have permission 

Emo: nice anybody got any sleepy gasses

Thot: I-

CloutThirsty: stfu hoe 

Arlo: lmao what?

John: spill I can hold back Isen 

CloutThirsty: stfuyouhoeyouwillloseyourkneecapprivlages

Band aid: that is oddly ominous

John: hold on guys I'm catching up with the crackhead

CloutThirsty: shitshitshitshitdhwiwhescatchingupwithmenonNoNODJSLSJJALAbdhsoqt,g

Emo: ayyy John we can create a double victim grave for both isen and my parents 

John: ayyy


Remi: oh yes continue 

Thot: So I walk up to Isen's dorm room

Thot: and get this-

Arlo: hurry up 

Band aid: stfu

Thot: so me and Isen were gonna do some Netflix and chill, and I fuckimg walk into A huge ass tv falling onto him, and he just says calmly "well fuck me gently with a chainsaw and give all my cocaine to Blyke, because I am so close to killing myself rn" And The best thing was he didn't know i was there so like, hE gENiunly wAs like just sAD

Remi: LMAO 

Arlo: deserved it 

John: We do have to apreciate the leveL of sadness in that man

Emo: that is a vibe

Band aid: lmao does he need any healing

Thot: nah he good, he managed to outrun john  for a solid minute so he should be fine

Remi: @ cloutThirsty u okay

CloutThirsty: no fuck off 

Emo: guys I'm having a crisis

Remi: yeah?

Emo: is John a bottom or a top?

Band aid: what?

John: .

Arlo: I want to kill myself

CloutThirsty: ^^


Thot: tbh I think he's a switch just like his personality 

Band aid: I think he'd go top bunk since he's tall!

Arlo: I-

Remi: protecc 

Emo: John, I need my answer or else I'm taking away boaba and kneecap privalges 

John: you present a persuading offer 

Band aid: seraphina will always win

John: A top, really depending on the person

Remi: *cough cough* arlo

Arlo:    .

Arlo: fuck off

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Omg this is so rare for me to do a chapter 2 days in a row :0

Also 396 words with is ehhhh,, :')

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