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Arlo: Fashionista
Seraphina: Emo
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty
Blyke: Thot
Cecile: Ropeman
Evie: Angel

Also I have decided imma write chapters during lunch break at school so that way I won't fall behind on posting so accept  chapters more frequently

John: haha hierarchy go brrr

Thot: whatd you do now

John: haha hierarchy go brrr

Fashionista: I have one ounce of fright rn but not enough to give shit

Emo: wow there you go summing up my life in one sentence

Angel: oh so that's why your name is emo!

Emo: damn okay it we're roasting me now

Angel: I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

John: OOOoooooOoooo

Emo: omg evie I'm sorry it was a joke

Fashionista: there is a person who is clearly in power here and she doesn't even know it

Angel: who? Sera?

Fashionista: s u r e believe what you need too

John: a kid is having a panic attack next to me and I just said "ew 🅱️lease stop with the emotion ur crossing me out" I feel so bad


emo: I- dumbass year award goes to ✨John✨

Fashionista: omg I did something rlly close to that 3 days ago

Thot: will you two stop being so numb holy fuck

(btw I may not ship John and Arlo but they're my BROTP)

Band aid: that reminds me of the time I was chilling with John and Arlo and they were harshly roasting eachother for 2 1/2 hrs

Remi: were the roasts creative

Band aid: Arlo's word of the day was rachet

Emo: ra c h e t

Fashionista: oh yeah I vaugley remember that

Band aid: it was two days ago how do you not remember

Fashionista: I don't remember things that aren't important to me things like John

Angel: I see what you mean Elaine

John: heart ❤️ been 😔 broke 💔 so many 📉 times 🕜 Idk 🤷‍♂️ what to believe 😿 mama🙎 said 🗣️ it's my fault 😣 my fault 😣 I wear 👗 my heart ❤️ on my 🙎🏼‍♂️sleeve 👕

Arlo: did you already have that in ur copy paste

John: you betcha

Arlo: fuckin looser

Remi: @ Ropeman you never talk 😔

Ropeman: bold of you too assume I'm not lurking constantly


Remi: I'm curious, is there any rumours about us Cecile?

Ropeman: what should I tell you.

Remi: idk I'll keep Isen away from you for a week

Ropeman: deal

CloutThirsty: Ur co o l i just wanna be fr I end s 😿

Ropeman: stfu

Ropeman: the most interesting rumour rn is Holden and Arlo's relationship

Fashionista: explain

Ropeman: people think you're dating

Fashionista: 🏃👋👁️👁️

Ropeman: Arlo's rumour is that he's insecure

Fashionista: where tf?? Huh

Ropeman: John's is that he killed 3 students and he's a member of ember

John: I- hell nah My dad is literally the creator of unOrdinary 😃

Remi: wait rlly that's so cool

Ropeman: Remi's is that she's actually a middle schooler

Remi: h u h im- offended??  ? I think??

Ropeman: Zeke's is that he's dead

John: not like it's wrong

CloutThirsty: do I need to interrogate u again 🙄🙄

Ropeman: Blyke's is that he's taking ability amplifiers

Thot: 🕺🕺🕺

Ropeman: Isen's is that he's a prositute


John: man's didn't deny it 💀


Remi: sure


Thot: hoe's mad 🙄

Ropeman: Seraphina's is that she does cocaine

Emo: that's literally so mild ??

Fashionista: so cocaine is mild now what shit you doing

Holden: I been lurking uhh any tea abt me besides me n Arlo 👁️👁️

Ropeman: that you were a accomplice in Zeke's murder

Holden: oh uhhh chile

Angel: is there any about me?

Ropeman: no

Angel: oh thank God!

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