uh oh sister

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                            -Name guide-

Seraphina: Emo 
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty 
Blyke: Thot 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     

     -Remi added 6 people to 'A Happy Family'-

Arlo: What?

CloutThirsty: Sad* family 

John: tf 

Emo: ay das my fuckin word 

John: ight square up

Band aid: eye-

John: wait who am I even f8ting??

Emo: ugh this bitch, Seraphina u thot 

Thot: you called

Remi: Blyke is the u 

Thot: .

Thot: mmm  mayhaps 

         -Arlo left the 'A Happy Family'-

Band aid: I aint goin down w/o a fight 

Emo: o shite 

CloutThirsty: weave? snatched.
Boots? Quaked.

Thot: Trivago.

Remi: Boo. Bland meme 

-Band Aid added Arlo to 'A Happy Family-

Arlo: if u wanna fight, square up hoe

Band aid: wait bb im  sorry 

John: That's is I'm breaking into NASA stealing a space ship. And driving myself into the god
DAmn sun.

Emo: w8 take me with u 

CloutThirsty: can Yall stfu im trying to steal the pp from sex ed

Remi: wait. What.

Arlo: Hey siri, where's the nearest cliff?

Thot: and im distracting the teacher

Thot: but the kids doing weed in the bacc arent helping

Band Aid: but thats my thing :'(

Emo: asdfkxclfew 

Remi: That keyboard smash was gr8 but make it gayer

Emo: bet


John: eye-

Arlo: So updates on the pp situation 

Thot: No homo, but it was a success 

Band Aid: Define ur definition of succ ess

CloutThirsty: At lest we didn't get shot 

Remi: why are we here just to suffer?

CloutThirsty: the pp is on fire l i t t e a r l y

Emo: 420 blaze it

John: Story, now.

Thot: No

Arlo: Boo. You whore .

Emo: o^o 

ClouThirsty: so as I was about to grab the pp some kid like super fuckin high shoots like a lil tiny spark at it, the fucking pp like BURSTS INTO FLAMES and my Jacket sleeve caught on fire 2 So that was fun

Band Aid: thats some deep shit rigt ther3 

So that was the #1 chapter on Meet me behind dennys, lol sorry for not being funny :')

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