Boiled Gatorade

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IM SO SORRY FOR BEING DEAD I LIKE FORGOT ABT THIS FIC aslo 1.7k reads ty guys 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺👁️👄👁️💜🖤💜🖤

Seraphina: Emo
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty
Blyke: Thot
Cecile: Ropeman
Evie: Angel

CloutThirsty: why

CloutThirsty: w h y

CloutThirsty: why are you like this

Thot: ;)

Arlo: did y'all fuck or something what the hell is happening??

Emo: Hol on bfore you all go off on a tangent let me add sombdy

-Emo added Angel to 'A happy family'-

Emo: welcome to hell Evie

Angel: what??

Remi: ohhhhj Evie I remember her

Angel: I'm sorry but I'm confused

Emo: this is just a gc with all my side hoe's


Emo: 😈😈😈

-Arlo changed John's name to 'Side hoe-

Side hoe: fuck off

-Side hoe changed Side how's name to 'John'-

Angel:ajsksnsnsismsvhsks how many high tiers are in this?????!!

Thot: ight imma explain
CloutThirsty is Isen
I'm Blyke
Band aid is Elaine
Rope man is Cecile
And seraphina is emo

Angel: imma sorry but then why is John in here

John: ;(

Angel: sorry!

Arlo: John you are such a two sided bitch

John: you know you love me

Arlo: I would but I have standards

Remi: wait hold on what did Blyke do @ CloutThirsty???

CloutThirsty: he b o i l e d Gatorade

Holden: .

Band aid: ..

Arlo: ...

John: I tried it

Band aid: and

John: I think it was hells gateway

Remi: Why tho

Thot: haha Gatorade go brrr

Holden: no♥️

Angel: is this what goes within the high tiers????

Arlo: yeah♥️

Arlo: it's fucking hell run while you can Evie.

CloutThirsty: no s t a y

Arlo: r u n

John: :)

Emo: alright who fucked with him this time

Angel: I'm scared 👁️👄👁️

Remi: haha John's anger go brrr

Thot: did you just steal my fucking line

CloutThirsty: b a b e

CloutThirsty: stfu

Angel: w h a t??

John: Remi, Come out of your room.

Remi: no 😻😻

Band aid: oh no I don't wanna waste more of my energy healing somebody

Remi: jsoaakabwbakam

Holden: u will be missed

Holden: actually really just depends on the person

Holden: nvm

Band aid: John and Arlo ^^^

Angel: I'm still kinda confused TuT

Emo: wow reading that my heart really went 📉📈📉📈📉📉

Angel: oh no are you okay sera? O^O

Angel: and also what's up with Isen and Blyke?

CloutThirsty: gæ

Holden: we talked about this-

Angel: I'm sorry Isen but I still don't understand U_U

John: basically they're big gay for eachother

Thot: way to out me 😔😔🤚

John: c'mon with the way you acted you were never in the closet

Band aid: @ remi what happened did John hurt you?

Remi: I stole his chocolate cake and uhhh I won with black mail

Arlo: give me now

Remi: he would just commit murder if I tell u ngl

John: if that gets out you are 6 ft under

Emo: dammit I'm dispointed I don't have any black mail on him 😔

John: Good hoe

Emo: b r u h

Band aid: listening to Katy Perry nostolgia feels good

Holden: seriously tho legit loved eye of the tiger like that shit was constantly playing

Arlo: nah, it's all about firework

CloutThirsty: you f o o l s

CloutThirsty: I went to her concert when I was like 6 😽✨

Emo: djskkakamama

John: lucky

Angel: I liked Taylor swift

Remi: same tho like Kinda had a crush on her 😎

Thot: gay

Holden: says you

Thot: stfu

CloutThirsty: hhhh the creator is re using jokes I can, tell bruh get creative

Angel: what

Thot: he's high again

CloutThirsty: I AM NOT HIGH FOR THE LaSt time-

John: sure, whatever you say


Yo I'm off camping RN so I have no service Wich means imma be writing some fic's bc I have nothing else to do 😔✌️

So next is how uhhh Isen and Blyke got together like actual writing, if you don't really like the ship then you can skip it! :)

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