loopy Arlo

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Seraphina: Emo
Elaine: Band aid
Isen: CloutThirsty
Blyke: Thot
Cecile: Ropeman
Evie: Angel

Emo: I wish my self esteem level was as high as my stress level

Angel: do we need to talk again 😥

Holden: a ✨ mood ✨

CloutThirsty: istg everyone here needs therapy

Remi: did Arlo recoverer from the poison/ sharpie thing

Band aid: Yeah he was being a little bitch about the hospital food tho

Holden: it was hilarious cause he was kinda loopy and just like care free

Band aid: that's the 2nd time I've ever seen his gaurd down tbh

Remi: yeah it's scary when he shows emotions

John: ive only seen anger

Emo: wonder why

John: stfu

Thot: is he like out of the loop cause me remi and Isen wanna mess with him

Holden: yeah

Arlo: dnt talk abt me withot me hre 😡

Holden: go back to bed

Arlo: no u thot

John: sjsjsjsjndnd

-Arlo changed Arlo's name to fashionista-

Fashionista: im purdy

Emo: brb while I go laugh my ass off

Thot: what it fave color Arlo

Fashionista: Blood red.

CloutThirsty: 🥴🥴smexy

Angel: I don't think we should mess with him guys

Emo: Evie ily but let's take this chance while we can

Band aid: ^^

Remi: raise your hand if u think Arlo a little bitch

Fashionista: hand raises 😼👍

Thot: but that's you

Thot: youre Arlo

Fashionista: ik dumb hoe 🙄🙄

John: Arlo ur a piss baby

Fashionista: so are u 'cripple'


Fashionista: haha poopy

CloutThirsty: u smell like poop not the good kind

Angel: the 'good kind?'

Thot: 😳😳😳✋

Fashionista: tasty 😋

John: I feel like I'm witnessing something I shouldn't ♥️

Holden: Isen are u a stoner

Remi: are u?

CloutThirsty: bitch what

CloutThirsty: okay 1 where tf did this come from 2 idk watch one thing go wrong and then my dorm smell of weed

Thot: bruh I live with you don't like pull a stinky

CloutThirsty: don't worry I wont 😾👍

Band aid: simp 🙄🙄

CloutThirsty: whatever I get bf pass

Thot: yeah ur one to talk Elaine

Band aid: Arlo I'm feeling attacked 😿

Fashionista: grrrrrrrrrrrr

Emo: @ Holden how long is Arlo gonna be like this

Holden: 2 hrs give or take

Fashionista: I wanna bark at trump supporters

Remi: same ♥️

Emo: trump can go suck my non existent dick

John: yeah 😾

Fashionista: the non existent part or suck

Thot: whipped

John: stfu gucci boy

Fashionista: at least I'm the authors favorite (besides u Isen)


Fashionista: life is an illusion

CloutThirsty: it is

Fashionista: literally

Angel: what-

Emo: okay so do we need both of them in a asaulyum or- -

John: or retire them

John: permanently

Holden: we get it, ur emo 🙄

John: bet

Holden: fuck I can sense him


Sooooo imma do a little face or cosplay reveal at 6 k reads cause I'm lo key impatient 😼👍 this story is based of of something that happened in discord

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