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I head into the ballroom and scan the room searching for my family. I notice Jo stood with four other people and head over eagerly. I join her side and nudge her, I look around at the group she's talking to and recognise almost all of them.

Firstly is an Alphas son who has just turned eighteen and has yet to take over the pack, Oliver, he's tall with dark hair similar to mine and muddy brown eyes, he's wearing a dress shirt that clings to every muscle in his body very appealingly. Next to him is his mate Amber, a blonde with striking blue eyes and massive boobs. Even as a woman I can tell what her most attractive feature is and I envy her. The last person I recognize is Lucy the daughter of the Blue Moon packs Beta, she's always been friendly to me when we've met at these events before, she's tall and has curly brunette hair, her eyes are hazel with flecks of gold in them.

"Hey Belle, you know everyone right?" Jo grins at me as she turns to look at me.

"Almost," I turn to the last guy and nod towards him. "We haven't met yet."

He has dark red hair much taller than me, at least 6'2, his hair is scruffy and long enough to almost cover his ears. His eyes are what interested me the most, both eyes a different colour one grey and one green like my own. I smile at him and he smirks back.

"I'm Kai," his voice is deep and oddly sexy. "And you are?" I snap out of my daze.

"Belle, obviously. Unless someone else snuck up behind me with the same name when Jo was speaking to me?" I raise an eyebrow. He rolls his eyes at me seemingly bored with me already.

"Play nice," Jo taps me on the arm lightly.

"Yes Mum," I wink at her and she taps me again.

We stand around and talk for a while as a group before Kai seems to get bored of us and wonders away.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" I ask Oliver as the girls talk amongst themselves.

"He's not known for being friendly." Oliver grunts in reply. "You know the Silver Lake pack right? Well he's the current Alpha." He shakes his head.

"Wait, as in notorious butchering pack? Kills anything in a five mile radius?" I quiz. No wonder he didn't seem very friendly.

"The very same," Oliver smiles. "He only came over here to try to play nice with me and Jo, he knows we're next in line for our packs and apparently here to make friends." I scoff in reply.

"Who would want to form an alliance with them? They have no idea how to treat people." I shudder at the thought of the stories I've heard.

A pack member of ours once wondered too close to their border and when they came back to us months after going missing, they were without one of their arms. When the pack member was asked who had done such a thing they were too afraid to speak, fearing for their life. Eventually the pack member had taken their own life and in the suicide note left behind they had said the Silver Lake pack were responsible, they tortured him for months for information on our pack and our allies.

I excuse myself from the group and head towards the bar. Needing a glass of something alcoholic to take my mind off the thought. I reach the bar and see that familiar red hair in front of me. I take a sharp intake of breath as I slide on the barstool next to him.

"How's the party?" He smirks at me again his eyes looking back at me. Apparently if you feed this guy booze he loosens up a lot more.

"Pretty good, I thought you were bored of us before, strange that you're suddenly so chatty now," I raise an eyebrow as I take the glass of champagne the bartender handed to me.

"I'm sorry I gave you that impression princess, I don't think I could ever be bored of you," he smirks again.

"Smooth," I roll my eyes. One minute he's bored and the next he's hitting on me. I feel his mismatched eyes examining me as I sit next to him. "Well this was... Nice." I stand up to excuse myself and he chuckles.

"The pleasures all mine, Princess."

I. Want. To. Gag.

I walk away from the bar with my glass in hand and head back over to Jo.

"Guess who I ran into at the bar just now?" I ask as we walk across to a table in the corner.

"Uh, Obama?" She grins.

"Very funny. That Kai from earlier."

"I hate the vibe he gives me, he creeps me out big time," Jo shudders as she rubs her foot.

"Well he keeps calling me Princess. It's like he's had a personality transplant. One minute he can't wait to escape our conversation and the next he's looking at me like a lion with a zebra." I take another glug of my champagne, finishing off the glass.

"That's strange but I've heard stranger," Jo smiles reassuringly. "Just stay away from him, we really don't need an alliance with that pack no matter what your parents say."

"I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole," I roll my eyes. I glance up to the stage at the front of the room and see Alpha Ruben standing in front of a microphone ready to address the various packs in front of him.

"Good evening," he greets. "I just want to thank you all for coming this evening and I would like to kindly invite you all to join us for dinner now in the dining room through the doors on your left. Thank you," he shuffles nervously off the stage and I chuckle.

"That kid is not ready to be an Alpha," Jo snorts.

"Hey, he tried," I defend him trying not to giggle at his awkward speech.

Jo and I stand up and enter the dining room heading over to a table where our parents are sat waiting. I take my seat next to my Mum and can't stifle the gasp that escapes my lips as I look around.

"Joanne!" I growl quietly. "Didn't you think to tell me Kai was a twin!?" I hiss. Her eyes widen as if she had forgotten as she flashes an apologetic look at me.

I glance back across to where the twins are sitting and they catch my eye. An identical smirk on both of their smug faces as I realise I spoke to two separate people tonight, not one person having an identity crisis.

I flash a glare at Jo who smiles sheepishly at me mouthing an apology across the table as dinner begins.

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