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My first week with the twins consisted of learning the ropes around the pack house. I got to know the girls a lot better over time and I had a few interactions with Beta Logan and Gamma Julian. They seemed like the quiet types, which surprised me considering their Alphas never seemed to shut up.

The twins continued to pester me and follow me around like pups most of the week until they returned to work on my forth day. Eventually they loosened their grip on me and I escaped to training with Mica and Jessie.

This morning we met in the kitchen of the pack house.

"Ah here comes sleeping beauty herself," Mica grins at me as Jessie walks into the kitchen dressed in leggings and a sports bra.

After watching Jessie fight her power and stamina were incredible considering her size. Despite being half the size of some of the male warriors she easily took them all down.

"Come on, Julian is waiting on us," Mica says in a sing song voice. Jessie and I follow her as she happily skips out of the pack house to take her place next to her mate. She snakes her arm around him when we reach the training ground and his tough expression weakens at her presence.

I find myself wondering if Kai and I would ever be like that. Eric was already proving to be more affectionate and a total flirt whenever I was around. But Kai's hard exterior was harder to break through. Every now and then he would show weakness and affection towards me but never in front of the rest of the pack.

Jessie and I join the packs warriors to warm up. To start with the rest of the pack didn't appreciate my presence at their training sessions. They acted cold towards me but after training with them for a few days they started to warm up to me being there for the most part.

"So how are things going with the Alphas now they're working more?" Jessie asks as we stretch.

"It's a lot quieter without Eric pestering me every five minutes," I laugh. Jessie grins back at me.

"I've never seen him so happy, when he was with Vicky he was never like that, he was always so cold... More like Kai," she adds.

"Kai's just so... Quiet. I feel like Eric drowns him out a lot but we never get the chance to be alone," I sigh.

"Why don't you go on a date with each of them separately? Get to know them?" Jessie asks as we start to spar with each other.

"That's not a bad idea..." We're interrupted by Julian shouting at us for chatting and stop talking for the rest of training.

When training ends we head back into the pack house. Kai and Eric are stood waiting for us in the kitchen as we grab some breakfast.

"How was training princess?" Eric smiles warmly at me as I pour a bowl of cereal, he comes up behind me and twirls my ponytail around his finger.

"Good," I smile across glancing at Kai who was sipping from a mug of coffee across the kitchen from us. "I actually had an idea whilst me and Jessie were sparring, can we all go talk somewhere?" I finish pouring milk in my cereal and lean against the counter as I start to eat.

"Sure let's go to the office," Kai shrugs and leads the three of us to their office upstairs. Eric closes the door behind us and locks it.

"What was your idea? Cause I have a few right now?" Eric smirks touching my neck lightly and making me shudder excitedly.

"Not that," I roll my eyes and Kai chuckles.

"So what?" Kai asks. Curiosity dancing through his dual coloured eyes.

"I want to go on a date," I smile. Looking down at the floor nervously.

"I'm sure we can arrange that, princess," Eric chuckles.

"Well technically I want to go on two," I add.

"Two?" Kai asks tilting my head up with his chin to look at him.

"I want to go on a date with each of you. Alone." He smiles at me warmly. "I want to get to know you both better," I smile back.

"Well who gets to go first?" Eric raises an eyebrow at me inquisitively.

"Uh. Who was born first?" I ask.

"Looks like it's me first then," Kai smirks at me. Eric pouts like a child and then leans against his desk.

"You'll get your turn too Eric," I giggle.

"How about we go tonight after Eric and I finish work?" Kai asks me pushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear gently.

"Okay," I grin. Eric continues to pout and huff from his desk. I find myself walking towards him automatically to comfort him. I run my fingers through his soft red hair gently. "We'll go tomorrow for ours?" I ask him. "That way you don't have to wait too long," I flash him puppy dog eyes and he looks up at me and pulls me into his lap swiftly. 

I let out a squeak in surprise as I find myself sat on his lap. He places my arms around his neck and wraps his own around my waist.

"I better get my fill of your attention in now then," he smirks as he pushes his lips against mine hungrily.

I let out another squeak against his lips and he chuckles against my lips. Kai takes my hand from around Eric's neck and pulls me up to stand face to face with him.

"You heard her Eric, my turn today yours tomorrow," he growls possessively at his brother.

Eric gets up and leaves winking at me as he does. I roll my eyes at him as the door closes leaving Kai and I alone for the first time since we had met.

Kai pulls me closer to him and gently takes my face in his hands to kiss me sweetly. The kiss is tender and gentle just like his touch against my face. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.

"Thank you," he whispers.

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