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I spend my afternoon with Mica trying on different outfits I bought from the boutique. After a few hours I settle on a light blue, strapless, skater dress paired with a white cardigan over top. I give Mica a twirl as I re-enter my bedroom.

"What do you think?" I grin.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I love it!" She smiles back as she stands up from her perch on the bed, hairbrush in hand.

She taps the edge of the bed and orders me to sit down. I do as I'm told and she kneels behind me to fix up my hair. She curls the front parts of my hair and styles the back into an elegant updo. When she's done she walks around the front of me and grins confidently.

"Ah! My masterpiece!" She claps her hands together. She pulls out a makeup bag from her little makeover kit.

She starts with my eyes giving me a deep blue smokey eye with glittery highlights in the centre. She carries on working swiftly, applying various powders and liquids until she's finally satisfied.

"Go look!" She squeals excitedly and I lead the way to the bathroom across the hall. I look in the mirror in awe of her handiwork.

"My god you're a genius," I laugh.

"Well it has been said," she shrugs. She excuses herself and gathers her stuff whilst I continue to admire myself in the bathroom mirror.

I head down to the rec room to wait for the twins to be finished with work. Sam and Jessie are sat watching a movie on the TV. They look up at me as I enter and their jaws drop.

"I swear Mica is a witch not a wolf," Sam grins at me. "You look amazing! My brothers are two very lucky guys." I blush and roll my eyes.

"Please, have you seen them? They would still manage to turn more heads than me," I snicker. Sam pretends to vomit and I flop next to them on the sofa and start to watch the movie with them.

Ten minutes later Kai enters the room and smiles softly at me as I turn to look at him. He's dressed in a smart grey suit with a tight white shirt underneath, emphasising his muscular chest.

"You ready?" He asks. I get up off the sofa and say goodbye to Jessie and Sam as I follow him out of the room. As soon as the door is closed he takes my hand gently and smiles at me. "You look beautiful," he whispers, a slight blush spreading over his cheeks.

"Thank you, you clean up nicely yourself," I wink.

He leads me out to a red sports car and opens the door for me. I slide into the passenger seat and he shuts the door walking around the other side to get in himself.

"Where are we going tonight?" I ask as he starts the car.

"You'll see," he flashes me a smirk and pulls away from the pack house. We drive through the town and leave the packs territory. "Don't get any ideas about ditching me," he glances at me worriedly.

"I wouldn't do that to you," I whisper. I have been feeling homesick lately but I couldn't imagine leaving them. The mate bond seems to pull me closer everytime I try to pull away.

"We're here," he announces. I look out the window and frown at him.

"What do you mean?" He opens his door and gets out of the car. He walks round and opens my door for me. I take his outstretched hand and climb out of the car. He locks the car and leads me across the field were parked in.

Across the empty field I can see candles flickering in the distance, I glance up and Kai and he grins at me as we carry on walking hand in hand.

Outstretched on the grass is a picnic blanket surrounded by candles, a cooler sits off to the side and I notice we're on top of a hill, the view in front of us of the city at night is breathtaking and I can't help but smile at the effort he went to for me.

"What do you think? I know it's not much but I didn't want to do something average, you deserve something special," he runs his free hand nervously through his hair.

"I love it," I mumble looking up at him. He pulls me into his arms and gently kisses my lips. I let out a quiet whimper against his lips as he gently kisses me holding me closely by the waist.

When we eventually pull away for air he pulls a blanket out from behind the cooler and hands it to me.

"Let's sit down and eat," he leads me onto the picnic blanket and I sit down pulling the blanket over my lap as he sets out food around me and fills up a champagne glass, handing it to me. He sits down next to me and hold his glass up to me I hold my own up.

"To our first date," he smiles gently. I smile back at him as we touch our glasses together.

We both eat the spread of food he'd laid out in front of us. After we felt suspiciously stuffed we laid back on the blanket together. I lay my head on his solid chest and listen to his heartbeat quicken.

"What did you mean earlier?" I ask quietly as we lie together under the blanket.

"Hm?" He mumbles as he twirls the front pieces of my hair absentmindedly.

"You thanked me earlier for suggesting this? Why?" I question him turning slightly so I can look up at him.

"Eric and I have always been together, he's more confident than I am. He always has been, it's hard to share you with him," he explains as he moves his hand to stroke my cheek with his thumb softly. "I'm worried you'll like him more than me," he mutters quietly.

I sit up slowly and he follows. I twist around to sit in front of him cross legged.

"I like you both, I don't want one of you more than the other, you're both so different. It's what I like about you," I smile reassuringly at him and he leans forward, gently kissing my forehead. "I like you because you're so much more gentle than Eric is. And I like Eric because he shows affection for me in public. But I would never expect either of you to change who you are for me. I like you own because you're different, but i don't like one more than the other," I explain.

He pulls me so that I'm sat in his lap straddling him. He pulls my lips to his and kisses me roughly. Showing me a different side of him completely. I kiss him back hungrily feeling our bond grow stronger as we touch.

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