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Dinner is served to us on fancy China. A risky feat to attempt among a room full of werewolves. I keep my gaze away from the attractive, evil twins across the room. I've never heard of a situation where both of the twins are the evil one, but I can only assume from the rumours of their packs ruthlessness that this is indeed the case.

I start to delicately eat the slab of steak in front of me sipping from my wine glass from time to time and making small talk with the Alphas family and my own.

"How did it go with Alpha Ruben?" My mum gushes.

"He's nice but he's not into me. I'm working on it," I lie effortlessly. The years of practice paying off in this situation. I see Jo grinning behind her glass as I lie and wink at her slyly.

"Well you have to work quick. You don't want him to meet his mate and have all that hard work amount to nothing," my dad chirps. I could tell he was slightly drunk as he stumbled over his words. For a wolf my dad is a real light weight.

"What are the Silver Lakes doing here anyways? I saw you girls talking to them earlier but I didn't want to interrupt." Alpha Shaun asks inquisitively.

"I have no idea, Alpha. Oliver seems to think that they're trying to form alliances between his pack and ours by targeting the younger generations," I explain.

"I want you girls to stay away from those two. If they're anything like their father they're up to no good," he frowns.

"Yes Alpha," I nod in agreement taking the opportunity to glance across at them again. Despite their obvious failures in some areas. The moon goddess had blessed them in the looks department. Their deep red hair matched perfectly with their tanned skin and mismatched eyes. Looking at them side by side I notice their eyes are opposites with Kai's grey eye being on the left and his brothers being on the right. So much for being twins.

I turn back to face the table as the plates are being cleared away. I excuse myself as people start to mingle heading off in search of a bathroom. I walk down a long quiet corridor looking for any signs of a bathroom nearby. I hear heavy footsteps behind me and start to speed up in my hunt not daring to look over my shoulder.

I feel myself punched roughly against a solid wall and flinch in pain.

"Sorry princess," a husky voice whispers in my ear. "I couldn't just let you get away so easily." 

I look up into his mismatched eyes and notice it's Kai's brother.

"Who are you?" I ask defiantly.

"Your worst nightmare. Or your wettest dream. However you choose to look at it," he plasters a grin onto his face.

"Definitely a nightmare. Haven't you heard of a breath mint?" I roll my eyes. "I meant your name," I huff still pinned to the wall with his arms either side of me blocking my escape path.

"Feisty," he chuckles low into my ear. His scent like wood and fresh grass wafting into my nose. "I'm Eric," he winks.

I shove him away from me and rush towards any room I can find. To my luck and surprise it's the bathroom I was looking for the whole time. I take a moment to breathe and let the fear coursing through me leave my body. I notice myself shaking and wonder if I've been shaking the whole time. I quickly do my business and rush out if the bathroom and back along the corridor.

The closer I get to the dining room I start to hear screaming. My eyes widen and instead of rushing away from the chaos I rush towards it. I run through the doors and I'm hit with the could stench of rogues. I notice wolves trying to tackle them but the rogues are too big. I look over to the table where my family was sat and notice my mom on the floor being shielded by my father's wolf. I don't hesitate as I feel my wolf getting closer to leaping forward. I let her take over and I shift.

Once shifted I pounce towards the closest rogue to me and head straight for his jugular. I tear his throat with my teeth and feel his body drop to the floor, I leave his body and rush in front of Joanne, she was cowering under the table to scared to shift and protect herself.

A dark coloured wolf leaps through the air towards me and I leap too knocking us both to the ground with me in top. My fur getting soaked with blood from the gash I'd made to his abdomen in the air. I pinned him to the ground as he continued to fight with me I felt it kick me in the stomach as I flew off him landing on my back on the cold floor.

I pick myself up before he can pin me down and lunge forward once more colliding with him. I nip at his neck and claw at his abdomen as I try to tackle him back to the ground. Eventually my teen catch his throat and I tear at it as I did to the rogue before him hearing his body drop to the floor with a thud. I run back to Joanne guarding her again whilst the others continue attacking rogue wolves. Occasionally I slash at rogues getting too close to myself and Jo and injure them, causing large wounds in their flesh.

I can hear Jo whimpering behind me as her father takes down the final rogue in the centre of the hall. I see wolves belonging to packs bleeding on the marble floors in the dining hall. Tables and chairs have been flung around the room, several broken from wolves being flung into them. I glance around and notice two identical rust coloured wolves stood near me I snarl at them instinctively and they glare at me. My dad rushes to my side with a tablecloth in had and drapes it over my back, wrapped in one himself.

I take the opportunity to shift back and wrap myself in the table cloth, I notice my arms is bleeding from a slash mark made by the rogues. I place my hand on it and apply pressure to stop the bleeding knowing it will soon heal.

I glance back up and look around only to notice the rust coloured wolves have vanished, their human counterparts nowhere to be seen either.

I would be willing to put money on those two being responsible.

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