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I kneel down next to Jo on the floor still in my tablecloth. She's sobbing loudly and shaking in fear, her eyes closed tightly. For an Alphas daughter Jo isn't much good in a fight. Whilst Jo is a skilled fighter she's too anxious when in an actual life or death situation.

I wrap my arms around her and stroke her hair gently as she sobs against me.

"Shhhh, it's okay JoJo, it's over, everyone's okay," I rock her gently in my arms as her mom goes to help her dad shift back under a tablecloth. She clings to me tightly until eventually she stops sobbing. An omega from Rubens pack runs up to me holding out a pair of sweats for me to change into.

"Thank you," I nod to her. I had Jo over to her mom as she head across to us freeing myself from her tight grasp.

"Follow me I'll show you where you can change," she starts to head out of the room and I follow closely into an empty, ground floor bedroom. I close the door behind me and pull on the sweats as I drop my tablecloth. The clothes hung off my petite frame as I feel a hand around my neck from behind. Shock ripples through me as I try to fight against them only to feel a sharp scratch as a needle is plunged into my neck.

I lose control of my muscles and can no longer fight off the person who had injected me. I collapse backwards into their arms and feel myself being lifted over their shoulder as I pass out. Why didn't I lock the door?

I can't open my eyes for hours and all I can intake from my surroundings is a damp smell lingering around me and murmuring like a conversation. I wasn't close enough to my captor to hear what they were saying but I can only assume it to be negative. I t takes what feels like forever before I have the strength to open my eyes.

My wrists were on fire and I couldn't move my legs. When I open my eyes the room I'm in is dark and as suspected it was damp. I glance up to my hands and see them suspended above me from silver handcuffs. The burning sensation spreading around my wrists. I open my mouth and start to yell out for help I try to stand up and realise my legs are chained together at the ankles. Whoever had taken me had thought of every possibility.

I yell out until a figure opens the door to my dark, squalid room.

"Hello, Princess." Eric is stood in front of me smirking. "How lovely of you to drop in."

He walks over to me and touches my cheek softly. Kai follows into the room behind him and closes the door. He walks over and crouches next to me.

"I think you're right brother," he smirks up at Eric who's stroking my face. I try to turn away from his face as he holds onto me. "She's ours." His eyes twinkle as I feel fear build up in my chest.

Something had been drawing me to the twins the whole way through the party and now it makes sense.

"Y-yours," I stutter out.

"Mhm, both of ours," Eric smiles at me gently as he releases my wrists from the ceiling. "No funny business now or you'll be coming back down here."

I rub at the wounds on my wrists and hiss in pain. Kai takes my arms gently and a flicker of pain flicks over his face. I look up at him my eyes filling with tears and accepting my fate.

"I told them no silver, look at her arms," Kai growls angrily. Eric crouches down next to him and takes one of my hands in his. He pulls my hand up to his mouth gently and presses his lips against it.

"I'm sorry, Princess," Eric pushes my hair back from my face and I whimper in fear. Kai drops my arm and storms out of the room. I hear a loud snap from outside the door and flinch recognising the sound as that of a neck breaking. "Nobody gets to hurt you," Eric explains gently.

Who says chivalry is dead?

I whimper fearfully as Kai walks back in, they free my legs and Kai scoops me into his arms. My small frame slots perfectly against his chest, paralysed with fear for the first time in my life. I'm carried up several flights of stairs and taken in to a huge room in what appears to be the pack house.

Kai sets me gently on the white bedspread and sits on the chair across from the bed. Eric walks over to me holding a pot of lotion in his hands.

"This should help," he mutters as he walks closer to the bed. I cower backwards slightly as he reaches out. Suddenly my adrenaline kicks in and I slap his hand away.

"Don't touch me," I growl angrily.

"Calm down, I don't want to hurt you I'm trying to help," Eric's eyes look pained.

"They weren't meant to put her down there," Kai grumbles through gritted teeth.

"Do one of you want to tell me exactly why I'm here?" I growl again at them and they look at me with amusement in their eyes.

"You didn't think we would leave our little mate behind after that party did you?" Eric chuckles.

"So you resorted to kidnapping?" I practically scream.

"Technically it wasn't us who kidnapped you," Kai shrugged nonchalantly.

"One of you better start giving me answers!" I yell.

"Those rogues were still outside when we went to leave the party. We saw one of them carrying you out of the house. We didn't want you to get hurt so we got our Beta to bring you here for safe keeping." Kai explains.

"I'm not a possession and certainly don't need your protection," my eyes fill up with angry tears.

"Whether you need it or not doesn't matter. You're ours," Eric growls possessively and I feel my heart skip in agreement.

Stockholm syndrome sets in pretty fast nowadays.

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