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I wake up in Kai's bed, being clung to tightly by the red headed man next to me. His face was peaceful as he slept and I snuggle closer not wanting to leave his side. A knock sounds on the door before it's swung open, it hits the wall with a loud thud making both Kai and me jump. Kai growls angrily as Eric struts into the room, plonking himself down on the end of the bed.

"My turn!" He grins at me. Kai pulls me closer to him again holding onto my waist tightly.

"Five more minutes," he mumbles into my hair. He kisses the top of my head gently and it's Eric's turn to growl.

"We had an agreement!" He protests like a child. I can't help but giggle and turn to gently peck Kai's lips.

"He has a point. Even if I wasn't asked first," I raise an eyebrow and Kai smiles sheepishly.

"Fine," he sighs, releasing my waist. I climb out of the bed and Eric's eyes swirl with lust. I pull my dress on and half zip it up as I get ready to leave the room.

"I need to shower and get ready," I explain. I slip out of the room Eric tailing behind me excitedly.

"I've got big plans for you Princess," He grins at me. He pins me against the wall outside of Kai's room. "Torture me like that again and I'll take you right there next time," He whispers into my ear as he kisses my neck tenderly. I shudder in pleasure as his lips trace against my neck.

"Eric," I whimper. He chuckles at me and releases me from his grasp reluctantly.

"Later Princess," he grins and walks confidently to his room. I head towards the bathroom and slip out last nights clothes and into the warm shower.

I've fallen at mercy to these two quicker than I'd like to admit. I unpin my hair from what little remains of last nights up-do and wash it, sighing as the water cascades down my back. I climb out of the shower and wrap my hair and body in towels as I walk across the hall to my room. I swing open the door and I'm faced with three excited female faces.

"We need details!" Jessie squeals excitedly.

"We need boundaries!" I chuckle back. I slip a shirt on over my towel and a pair of shorts under it so I can slide it off.

"Details!" Mica chirps. "I heard that you were seen walking back with messy hair and clothes, what did you two get up to?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

I fill them in on all of the details of our date, leaving out the intimate ones for Sam's benefit. I pick out an outfit for todays date with the approval of my new groupies.

"Who knew my brother with anger issues would be such a romantic?" Sam frowns bewilderedly.

"I was surprised but he's always been the softer one around me, I thought he just didn't like me as much as Eric did," I shrug.

"Well I've never known him to behave like this towards anyone. I want to find my mate," Sam whines.

"You're only eighteen, you have plenty of time," I chuckle.

"Easy for you to say, you got two!" She groans.

"I need to go get ready," I shake my head at her.

"All right, but we want the details later," Jessie grins.

They leave me so that I can get changed and I pick out some pretty mustard coloured underwear. If tonight goes anything like last night I'll need them. I pull on the white thigh length dress that I picked out for tonight and curl my hair, opting not to ruin another one of Micas immaculate hairstyles. I apply a little bit of makeup to my face to hide my pale skin and some of the slight bruising on my neck left over from Kai last night.

Eric walks into my room unannounced and snakes his arms around me as I perch on the edge of my bed.

"You look gorgeous," He mumbles in my ear and I smile at the compliment.

"Thank you," I turn to look at him, he's wearing a tight, black, V-neck shirt and dress pants. My mouth is practically watering as I eye him up eagerly. "Not too bad yourself," I grin.

"You ready to go, Princess?" He takes my hand and pulls me off the bed.

"Yup!" I chirp and we walk out of the pack house together. We walk hand in hand into the centre of town.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see," he smirks.

We walk for a while longer until we reach a clearing behind the town. We follow a stone path to a little cottage sat on its own.

"Welcome to my secret den," He grins. I laugh as he unlocks the door and lets us in. There are containers of food from Sam's restaurant on the table in front of a large TV above a lit fireplace. He hands me a container of food and we sit and eat lunch together in front of the fire.

"Why do you have this place?" I question. "The pack house is so close by," I muse.

"When me and Kai were teenagers we used to come here to escape each other. Having a twin isn't always easy, especially when you're filled with hormones," he chuckles as we finish eating.

"So how many girls have you bought here?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him cheekily and he grins.

"Just the two," he shrugs and my face falls. "You, and Sam," he laughs and I hit his chest playfully.

"That's just mean," I scowl.

"Will you feel better if I tell you I have a gift for you?" He smirks.

"Maybe," I grin. Eric heads to another room in the cottage and comes back with a wrapped box with a bow on top.

"Here you go Princess, it's from both of us but since Kai got to spend time with you first, I get to give you this."

I start to unwrap it as Eric watches. I pull off the paper to reveal a brand new phone. I smile at him excitedly.

"Really!?" I grin. "I can phone home!" Tears fill my eyes and he sits next to me on the couch, wiping away the tears gently with his thumb.

"Of course you can," he whispers. He gently kisses my lips and pulls me into his lap, cradling me in his arms.

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