Telling Him

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Wills heart started racing at a unnatural pace, Will had always had anxiety but he had never felt nerves like this before.
These were not like his usual nerves though, they were different, in a way. Will wasn't concerned he was going to have panic attack as usual yet he had never felt more scared in his life, he thought these nerves were different.
He was wright, they were a completely different type of nerves, this feeling was completely new to him because this was the first time he had ever planned on coming out.
This feeling Will was having is terrifying, it was only made worse by the fact that he had absolutely no idea how Dustin would react, how was he supposed to know? It wasn't commonly talked about in their friendship group.
As he got closer the small boy tried some breathing exercises that the school councillor had taught him.
This didn't stop the pre-coming out feeling, the only way to stop that, is to come out and, at that point coming out to just one person seemed like the biggest thing ever to Will.
Will nocked loudly on the door, quickly Dustin hurried past his mom to open the door. "Hi Will, how are you on this fine day?" Dustin said jokingly.
"I-I'm good," replied Will quietly.
"Come in come in" said Dustin loudly
As will walked to Dustins room he thought about the strong friendship that he had with the toothless boy, to anyone it would be clear that this friendship would be almost impossible to break. Even with this strong bond Will thought that he had something that might just do it.
Will and Dustin sat on the floor of Dustins small room and chit chatted for about 10 minutes.
"Is something wrong?" Asked Dustin, suddenly concerned for his friend.
Will replied with a blank "I'm ok."
Dustin wasn't going to give op that easily "Are you sure, you seem pretty down Will, is there anything you want to talk about?"
Will thought for a minute and then replied with "no","I mean yes...maybe...there is."
"Im all ears" Dustin said supportively.
Will took a deep breath and started to do one of the scariest things a person could do. "I-I have been wanting to tell you this for a really long time a-and I just couldn't find the wright words to t-t-tell you"
There was a long pause in which Dustin put his hand on his best friends shoulder and comfortingly breathed "go on,"

Dustins POV

I already had a slight suspicion as to what Will was going to tell me, but I diddnt want to assume, I decided to to let him continue, thinking that if I was wright I would be supportive and tell him that I don't mind.

End of Dustins POV

"I-I-I'm I-I'm g-g" Dustin gave Will an encouraging and warm smile. "I-I'm gay."
Will almost shouted the last word, suddenly he regretted telling Dustin, what if he hates me now, what if the tells the others, what if he never speaks to be again, what if- Wills self-deprecating thoughts we're quickly cut off by a tight, warm, loving hug from his best friend.
"I-is that ok?" Asked will, scared.
"Of course that's ok, why would that even matter, you are my best friend and I will always love you for who you are!"
Will sighed a sigh of relief at his friends acceptance. He felt like a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
"Promise you won't tell the others, I will tell them, but just not yet?"
"Of course" said Dustin, tears welling up in both the boys eyes, "I would never out anyone, I promise."
"Alough I do have one thing to ask you "
Wills chest tightened, "is there a boy?" Dustin asked curious.
W-what, said Will "I-I do t know what you mean?
"Come on" said Dustin annoyed, you are my closest friend, I can tell when you are lying, whoooo is itttt??" Dustin asked repeatedly and annoyingly.
After a lot of persuading Will blurted out Mikes name.
"I KNEW IT!" Said Dustin
"Is it that obvious" will said laughing.
"Yes" replied Dustin, the two crying laughing boys hugged again.
Will was happy.
I'm not crying you are, I need a friend like Dustin.
Also, don't forget to vote!
751 Words

Chapter 2
Telling Him

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