Do I Tell Him?

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"I'm gay" Will blurted out to Max. Max looked taken aback and shocked, it wasn't what she was accepting. She had the completely wrong reaction, "What?" Said Max, instantly she knew she had said the wrong thing.
Max's POV
Im an idiot, why did I say that, I'm completely fine with it. He reacted so well when I came out to him, he was supportive, caring and understanding then he comes out to me ad I reply with, What.
I need to tell him it's ok. That I'm ok with it...
I looked up to apologise and I saw him running away in the direction of the woods. I hesitated for a second questioning if I should follow him, I knew where he was going.
I ran to castle Byers and nocked on the door saying "radagast"
No reply. I poked my head aroun the door to see him sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.

End Max's POV

"Will, I'm so sorry, I had the worst reaction."
Will looked up "Yea, you did"Will forced a smile.
"Look of course I accept you, it would be stupid of me not to. I know coming out can be terrifying, I have done it before," tears welled up in Max's eyes causing Wills tears to flow. They hugged, "I love you will, thank you for telling me."
"H-how am I going to tell him?" Max looked confused.
"Mike, how will I tell him that I like him?"
"You like Mike?" Asked the redhead taken aback.
"Yes, but he has a girlfriend and is probably straight, and I'm not even out to him yet."
Max smiled "He broke up with El 3 days ago, did he not tell you?"
"No," said Will confused and exited.
"I think he likes you" said Max with a smirk on her face,
"You do? replied Will, completely in shock.
"Yes, I do, have you seen the way he looks at you?"
"Should I tell him?" Asked will, his heart rate rising
"Don't tell him yet,wait a while. Maybe see if anything happens at your sleepover!"
They talked until it was time for Will to go home and get ready for the sleepover.
Will felt he was on a winning streak with coming out and he was even  considering telling his crush, Mike his secret.
Has anyone ever come out to you?
(Answer in the comments)
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Also I have changed the name of this story from I'm sorry but I love you to since 6th grade
Words 437
Chapter 4
Should I Tell Him?

Since 6th Grade ~ BylerWhere stories live. Discover now