Two months later

365 10 12

⚠️ Tw: this chapter contains talk about self harm I will tell you when it starts and ends. ⚠️

It was two months after the kiss and Mike and Wills relationship was going well, they had officially became boyfriends and, although it was awkward at the beginning they were now a lot more comfortable around each other. They were both out to most people, Mikes parents didn't know and they still were slightly scared to tell El even if every time they saw Max she told them to tell her and that she would be fine with it. Other than them everyone knew about both of them now.

They were sitting on the sofa in Mikes basement cuddling. Ghostbusters 2 was on but neither of the boys were focused on it, they had eyes only for each other.

Will asked Mike if he could go and turn the heat  off because he was roasting, before planting a kiss on Mikes head. "But I'm cold." Mike complained, "Cant you just take your hoodie off?" Mike didn't mean to say anything wrong but from Wills reaction it seemed that he did.

⚠️Tw talk about self harm - will put a notice at the end⚠️

Will mumbled that he was fine now. He lifted his head off Mikes shoulder and moved a few inches away. This seems like nothing but for the two boys who had been practically glued together for the past two months this was a lot of space.
"Is something up? Did I say something?"  Mike said as he removed the space between them.
"No, you didn't do anything, it's nothing." Will tried to cover up the fact that he was extremely uncomfortable by placing his head back on his boyfriends shoulder.
"Look Will I can tell when something's up with you." Mike thought carefully about his wording. "Are you hiding something from me? Yo know that you can tell me anything..." Mike hopped the answer was no, he didn't want to think that Will would ever hide something from him or feel insecure around him.
Will sighed, knowing that his caring boyfriend wouldn't give up until he knew exactly why Will was acting the way he was.
He took his baggy blue hoodie off and held out his arm for Mike to see.
The first thing mike saw wasn't what the boy in front of him was showing him but more the fact that Will seemed so small and slight. He was used to seeing his usual thick, baggy jumper or hoodie. If he wasn't wearing one of his oversized hoodies he was wearing one of Mikes jumpers and they were way too big on him. After taking in all this he looked down at what Will was showing him. Mike gasped, Will was showing him his wrists. There were lots of thin, pale, slightly raised scars on his wrist. It took Mike a moment to realise that Will had made these scars. Non of them looked too recent but he could see that some were older than the others, showing mike that Will had done this to himself on more than one occasion.
Mike gently took Will wrists and traced over the scars with his thumbs . "Are these—" Mike could guess the answer but the question came out anyway.
Will nodded at mike as a single tear fell from his left eye.
Mike lifted wills right arm up and gently kissed the scars. "You know that you don't have to hide anything from me don't you?"
Yes I - I just didn't— I'm...sorry" Will stuttered.
Mike stared into his boyfriends eyes as he struggled to for. Words.
Will closed his eyes as he was pulled into a warm loving hug. It was just what he needed. "You can keep your jumper on if you want, I'll go and turn the heat off.
"No - it's ok, I know that I don't need to hide or feel insecure around you.
Mike smiled and settled down beside Will. "Do you want to tell know?"
"Um Yea, ok" Will breathed quietly as he moved closer to Mike.
"It started a couple of years ago, I had finally accepted my sexuality and I was trying to be happy with myself.... but then one day when I was out on my own..... Troy.... well you know what he's like. He called me a bunch of slurs and said some of the worst things I had ever had anyone say to me. It was like he knew" Will pulled Mike closer as if he was the only thing keeping him alive at that moment. "He knew everything, like - it was like he knew that I was gay and that I was finally happy. After that I went home and...well."
Mike guessed the rest.
⚠️end of tw⚠️
Will buried his head into Mikes shoulder And Mike comfortingly stroked the back of his neck.

Sorry it took me so long to update, I have just started my zukka fanfic.
I think this is the end of this fic. I have lost inspiration for it, sorry.

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Chapter 10

Part 11

Two months later

Words 850

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