They All Know Now

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Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will were walking around the mall, Mike was especially happy as he was now out to all his closest friends.
Mike slowed down and grabbed Wills arm to bring him away from Dustin and Lucas.
Will gasped feeling Mike's hand on his arm, he didn't get to think about it much because his thoughts were Interrupted by Mike.
"I'm out to all three of you! I can hardly believe it, you just need to tell Lucas then there will be no secrets, In the original party that is. His smile faded slightly. "So, How are you going to tell Lucas?"

Will had never thought about telling Lucas, it had never really crossed his mind. He was still on that same winning streak with coming out so he decided to do it soon.
"You'll see" said Will a, nervous smile crept across his face.

(Imma try something different for this paragraph tell me if you like)

Will: LUCAS!

Mike:(whispers) what are you doing?

Lucas: yes!

Will: I'm gay

Mike: this isn't like you, are you ok bud.

Lucas: Cool  tell me something that I dont know

Mike: what the fuck was that?

Will: I honestly don't know, I just felt suddenly confident , was it weird?

Mike: no, I liked it.

(The two boys blush and run to catch up with the other two)

After about a hour of walking around the mall the 4 boys decide to head home.
Lucas and Dustin's Moms were in there cars.
Will and Mike were going back to Mike's, Will sat in the front, beside Mike's dad and Mike sat in the back beside Holly, his younger sister.

As soon as Mike and Will were at the Wheeler home they rushed down to the basement. Dustin had lent the boys some old comics so they decided to hang out and read them for a while.
There was a strange atmosphere in the room, both boys had been told by their friends to make a move but neither of them dared. Mike and Will had a friendship that neither of them wanted to risk, they knew that if the other boy didn't like them back everything would be awkward and their friendship might end.
After a while Will decided to leave. The silence was making him extremely uncomfortable.
"Um Mike, I um have to go now I have some stuff to do" Will told mike sounding unsure of his own words.
"That's ok. So... they all know now!"
"Yes it's great. No more secrets, or feeling nervous around each other..." Will said happily. "Yeah, bye"
The two boys awkwardly hugged at the door and as Will got into the car Nancy (Mikes older sister) came up behind Mike.
"Can we talk?" Nancy said seeming unusually nice.
"Um yes, why?" Replied Will
"Just wanted to catch up."

Will and Nancy went into the living room, they sat on opposite ends of the sofa, there was silence.
"So are you still With El?" Nancy said, smirking.
"No is the short answer, it's complicated."
"We have time"
"Well... I um started to loose feelings for her so I decided to break up with her, I was too um...scared to tell her In person so I wrote her a note and put it through the window, I'm assuming she got it. I've avoided her since that." Mike felt good to get it off his chest and was still confused as to why Nancy had taken a sudden interest in his love life.
"And how long have you liked Will?" Nancy smiled.
"I-I do not like Will, he's a guy, that's not normal, we are um only um... friends."
Nancy continued to smile staring into Mikes eyes.
"What???" Mike said starting to get angry at her.
"Please don't lie to me, it's ok that you like boys."
"Is it that obvious?"
"If you don't want people to know, don't look at him like that, don't jumble up your words when your around him and most importantly, don't stand in the middle of the road about to kiss!" Nancy exclaimed, starting to laugh.
"What- you saw that?"
"So did Jonathan, we are both fine with it though."
Mike smiled "What do I do?"
"It's just as easy to tell that you like him as it is to tell that he likes you back, is he gay?"
"Yea..." said Mike not thinking that that would change anything.
"Then ask him the fuck out" said Nancy hugging her younger brother and laughing.


Sorry it's kinda short, please tell me if you liked the script style writing and I might do more conversations in that style

Do t forget to vote!


Words 778
Chapter 7
They All Know Now

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