You Do?

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It was 6am, Will didn't care, he hadn't slept for a second. It was still dark outside but, again he didn't care, he was cycling to Mike Wheelers house. He had to know if what Mike said was true and he had to tell Mike that he loved him back.
Mike was in his basement, sitting on the hard, cold concrete floor with his head in his hands. What if this was the end of this friendship? What would he do without Will?
Will had finally arrived at he home he knew so well, he knocked quietly on the door, hoping Mike was up and would answer it door. Instead it was Nancy who came to the door. She saw a concerned Will and asked him what was wrong.
Will told her that Mike had said he loved over the phone him by accident and that he needed to talk to Mike instantly, and in private.
Nancy gave Will an understanding look and directed him to the basement.
Will quietly walked down the basement stairs and saw an upset Mike sitting in the middle of the room. He walked over to him and put his hand on his best friends shoulder. "Mike I-"
"I'm sorry,I know tha-" Mike was stopped.
"Mike, I love you too."
"You... do?" Mike looked up at Will, confused and convinced that it was all just a prank.
"Yeah" Will replied.
"Since when?"
"Since 6th grade, I should have told you sooner I'm sorr-"
Mike grabbed Wills neck and looked into his eyes "Can I kiss you William Byers?"
Wills heart skipped a beat, was he really about to do this, was he really about to kiss the boy he loved, his childhood crush, his best friend?
"Yes" Will breathed leaning in closer to Mike.

They kissed, it was a long slow and loving kiss, it had been what the two boys had wanted for so long, they didn't want it to end.
Will broke the kiss, "I have wanted that for so long Michel Wheeler."
"Me to Will. I love you," Mike was the happiest he had ever been, he didn't know what to say.
"What will the others,and everyone at school say? What will Troy-" Will said worried, he was cut off.
"We will be fine, we have each other now and that's all that matters." Mike pulled Will into another kiss this one was quicker, more passionate, Will widened the kiss and Mike mirrored his actions. They sat on the concrete floor of Mike's basement simply making out for 5 minutes.
As the two boys pulled apart from each other, they heard the basement door open. They instantly moved back putting about a meter between them.
"It's ok, It's only me," Nancy called down, Will and mike relaxed.
"I just wanted to talk to you two" Nancy looked at Mike, "it's about Mom and Dad, they can't find out about you two" Nancy told them, assuming that it had all worked out with Will and Mike.
"You both know that dad is quite homophobic, Mom would be able to cope with it but I can't see her being exactly, supportive"
"I know, we will be careful" Mike replied understanding her concern. Nancy pulled the two boys into a hug and whispered congratulations into her brothers ear.
Once Nancy left the boys got off the cold ground and sat on the sofa, they put a movie on in the background but neither of them were really paying attention. They were more focused on each other,
they were happy.



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Words 605
Chapter 9
You Do?

Since 6th Grade ~ BylerWhere stories live. Discover now