The Sleepover

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Will was in his room stressing.
He had realised that he had a few drawings of Mike scattered around his room, drawings of his crush who was about to arrive at his house. Will quickly gathered up the drawings and shoved them under a loose floorboard. He forgot about them.

Wills thoughts

It went so well with Dustin and Max why wouldn't it go well with Mike?
I'm going to tell him.
What if it ends your friendship?
He is my best friend that would never happen.
It might if he found out you liked him.
How would he find out?
Dustin did...

End Wills thoughts

Mike felt nervous as he cycled up to his best friends house. He had never felt nervous to talk to Will, ever, telling Will that he was bisexual was the scariest thing that Mike had ever done.
Mike had absolutely no idea that Max was bi, and no idea that Will knew what bisexual ment.
Will realised he had no idea of Wills views on anything like that, their conversations had mostly been about movies, school and dungeons and dragons.

Time skip to mike arriving at Wills house

Mike took a deep breath and gently nocked on Wills door three times. On the other side of the door, Will took a deep breath and opened the door.
"That was quick!" Exclaimed Mike happy to see his friend.
A terrible thought suddenly popped into Mikes head that this might be the last time he ever walked into the Byers home, if Will wasn't accepting that would ruin their strong friendship.
Will let mike inside and asked him what he wanted to do.
"Let's continue watching Star Wars" replied Mike as he pushed that terrible thought away.
Mike sat down and watched as Will put return of the Jedi on the small TV. Will decided to sit close to Mike after what Max had said about how Mike might like him. Mike held this breath as he realised Wills thigh touching him.

Half way through the movie Mike fell asleep, slowly his head slid onto Wills shoulder. Will diddnt dare to move and he hardly dared to breath, he turned bright red.
After just under twenty minutes of watching the movie with mike asleep on his shoulder Will relised that it couldn't be very comfortable for Mike. He knew it wasn't too comfortable for him. Will attempted to move Mike's head onto the arm of the sofa. Will was trying so hard not to wake him that he couldn't move Mike's head without waking him. In the end Mike got Wills head onto his lap. This was alot more comfortable for both of the boys.
Will continued the rest of the movie with his crush asleep on this lap. After another 5 minutes will started subconsciously playing with Mike's soft, raven hair.
Mike opened one eye and relised what was happening. He was lying on, his crush, who was a boy, Will Byers lap he was half asleep as Will played with his hair, this wasn't happening.
He opened both eyes and without moving looked up at wills big brown eyes. Will was staring at the TV hardly taking his eyes of off the screen. This was the first time that Mike had properly been able to look at Will and take in his beauty.
Wills eyes moved away from the screen. Mike quickly snapped his eyes shut scared of what his friends reaction would be to him staring at him.
Will had felt like someone was staring at him so he looked down at Mike's perfect, freckled face. He seemed to be asleep. Will smiled at the moment and went back to watching the movie.
Soon the movie was over and Will had to get up to turn the TV off. He gently shook Mike to wake him up. Once Mike was fully awake will got up and took the movie out of the TV.
"How much did I miss groaned Mike trying to sound annoyed. Mike was the opposite of annoyed it felt like there were fireworks going off inside him. (Authors note - slight return of the Jedi spoiler I guess lol.)
"I think that you fell asleep when Yoda died."
So I missed like half of it" said Mike laughing
"Just about" replied Will

Mike and Will chatted for a while about 5ths movie and then made their way down the hall to Wills room. Both boys started setting out Mike's sleeping bag on the air mattress beside Wills bed.
When Mike lay down he was reminded of the day that Will had a really bad panic attack on Halloween. Mike took will home and comforted will telling him that they would go crazy together, it wasn't really a good memory, but it was special to him.

They both sat on there beds in an aquard silence the same thoughts going through both boys heads. At the same time they decided that it was the right time to tell the other boy.
Will spoke first, "Mike, there is something I have been wanting to tell you for a really long time"
A fleeting thought went through Mike's head that Will might come out to him. He decided that was a stupid idea.
"There is something I have wanted to tell you aswell, I have wanted to tell you it for about four months, but you go first." Said Mike quietly. What was he was about to say to his best friend?
"Let's go at the same time?" The smaller boy suggested. Mike replied with a short "ok..."
Both boys took a deep breath and at the same time as mike said "I'm g-gay" Will breathed "I'm bi, you probably dont know what that means"
The two friends looked at each other in shock. Will broke the silence saying
"I know what that means..."
The two stared at each other for a minute. A tear ran down Mike's cheak. Will smiled as his eyes started to well up. Will slid of his bed and sat on Mike's air mattress.
Mike pulled will into a hug, when both of their sighs of relief came at exactly the same time the two boys chuckled slightly.

Mike and Will sat talking to each other for ages. Will telling Mike that he was out to Dustin and Max and telling him how he came out to Dustin, of course missing out the part where he told Dustin he liked Mike. Will tried to avoid telling him about coming out to Max as he didn't want to out her to Mike.
Mike told Will about telling Steve that he was questioning his sexuality and he told Will what happened in Scoops Ahoy with Robin. This time it was Mike who was avoiding outing his friend. Mike knew that he was one of the only two people that Robin had told about her being a lesbian.
The best friends talked endlessly until 2 am when they decided to go to sleep and were left with their own thoughts.
Will was in shock with the fact that he actually had a chance with Mike and that Mike wasn't straight and he didn't have a girlfriend.

Mike couldn't get the image of Wills face as he looked up at him during the movie out of his head. This evening had only made Mike like Will more, at least I have a chance now, thought Mike.
If coming out to Will was that scary Mike didn't want to think how scared he would be telling Will he liked him, if he ever got the guts to tell him.

After about an hour of the two teens being alone with their thoughts they finally drifted off to sleep.

Time skip to the morning...

Will was the first to wake, he lay in bed and processed what had happened yesterday. Did he really come out to Mike Wheeler, his best friend, his crush? Did Mike actually tell him that he was bi? Will also couldn't help but wonder who made Mike realise he wasn't straight, he knew that Mike made him realise he was gay. It was probably a TV star or actor for Mike.
Will rolled over to see a fast asleep Mike facing him. He really is perfect, thought Will.
Mike stirred slightly. Will instantly pretended to be asleep.
Mike woke up completely forgetting that he was at Wills house, he reached up for his watch to where his bedside table would usually be instead of a watch Mike found his hand on top of Wills. He didn't move, unaware of the fact that Will was awake and aware of everything he was doing.
Mike suddenly remembered where he was, and the event from last night. He smiled and continued looking for his watch, after a short time looking for the small watch he found it. When he checked what the time was and he realised that they had slept in, they were supposed to be going out with Dustin and Lucas to the Mall today.
Mike slowly got up and sat on Wills bed. Mike started to gently stroke the small boys hair in an attempt to calmly wake him, when this failed Mike lightly shook will, Will groaned and sat up.
"Wh-Why are you waking me?" Said Will yawning.
"We have to be at my house in 10 minutes, my mum is taking the party to the shopping centre, remember?"
"Kind of," Said Will, slowly getting out of bed and starting to get changed. Both boys automatically stood in a corner of the room with their backs to each other.
This never used to happen. I guess coming out can change a few things..

Hiiiii, sorry if their relationship is going slow, I just want to keep it realistic.

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I got random inspiration to right this at 11 at night, so sorry if the grammar is bad
Words 1680
Chapter 5
The Sleepover

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