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Will and mike were rushing to get to Mikes house, Mikes mom was supposed to be taking the 4 boys, Lucas, Dustin, Will and Mike to Starcourt Mall for a day out.
Suddenly Will lost control of his handle bars, his wheel caught on the edge of the sidewalk an he fell with a crash. "I guess we were just going too fast" laughed Will pushing his bike of his legs. "A little help here," he called over to Mike.
Mike rushed over to Will and grabbed his hand to pull him up. When will stood up he realised his lips were inches from Mikes. Both boys breathing quickened and their eyes met they stayed there for what seemed like years, both boys too anxious to make a move.
At the same time the two took a step back. They quickly ran back to their bikes as Mike muttered something inaudible. As they cycled towards the Wheeler house Mikes mind was racing, he had so many questions, if he kissed Will would he have kissed him back? Did this mean anything? Were things going to be weird now? Did Will like Mike back?
The same thoughts were racing through Wills head, usually he would tell Max stuff like that but he wouldn't see her for another 3 days. The only other person, excluding Mike of course, was Dustin, he diddnt seem like the kind you would go to for relationship advice but right now he was Wills only option. Plus he was seeing Dustin today.
The rest of the ride was filled with an awkward silence. Usually the friends would shout from bike to bike happily but today there was just silence.
"Mike, Will took you long enough!" Called Lucas.
"Um yeah we um got held up, with, with um stuff..."explained Mike uneasily.
Dustin and Lucas took the front and back left seats leaving Will the middle and Mike the back right. As it wasn't a very big car so Mike and Will were extremely close.
On the way to starcourt the car was almost hit by a speeding car. Mikes mom yelled and quickly turned the car blasting the horn loudly.
Will jumped and his anxiety kicked in his breathing quickend, no one else in the car seemed to realise but Mike, he discreetly took Wills hand and and comfortingly rubbed his thumb on the top of Wills hand. Will was able to calm down within seconds...

Once they arrived both Mike and Dustin insisted on going straight to scoops ahoy. Lucas wasn't complaining as he wouldnt ever say no to ice cream. Will had a slight suspicion that Mikes eagerness was to go and speak to Robbin or Steve.
As soon as they arrived in the ice cream shop Robin pulled Mike into the back room and Will dragged Dustin outside.
Lucas was left alone so Steve came over and sat with him.
Steve walked over to Lucas to see why he was there on his own. Lucas explained that Mike had run off with Robin and will with Dustin.
Lucas seemed sad so steve replied with, "I know that Mike has a lot going on in his life that he might not be comfortable sharing yet, this could be affecting Will, but it is also quite personal so please dont pressure them to explain anything. They will, when they are ready"
Lucas frowned, "why would Will tell Dustin and not me though?" Asked Lucas seeming upset.
"I honestly don't know, but I do know that its nothing to worry about" said Steve calmly.


"Did you tell him?" Robin said loudly to Mike.
"Shhh the others don't know, and yes!" Said Mike exited.
"That's great! How did he react?"
"He had the best reaction.." Robin smiled. "He told me that he had something he had been wanting to say to me for a while, I said that I did as well. Will suggested saying it at the same time and I agreed. As I said I'm bi, he said that he was gay, can you believe that? I might have a chance!"
Robin's grin widened, "did anything happen between you two?"
"Kind of" replied mike his smile fading slightly... "In the morning I forgot I was at Wills so, I reached to where my watch would usually be but instead I grabbed Wills hand, I think he was asleep though, then on the way to my house Will fell of his bike nd I helped him up, once he was standing we were inches apart, we almost kissed! Finally in the car my mum almost crashed she honked the horn really loudly and that set his anxiety off. He started to hyperventilate so I automatically took his hand, he calmed down almost instantly."
"He totally likes you back!!" Robin told Mike excitedly. Mike smiled.
"You think?"
"I know!"
"I'm too awkward to make a move though." The boy said sadly.
"Maybe he will, you should go now. Your friend seems to be out there on his own" Robin said encouragingly as she guided him out the door.

"What was that about???" Lucas sounded angry.
"Nothing I-I was just talking to her.."
"We both know that's a lie, first the ice cream server takes you into the back room then Dustin and Will leave, wispering to each other. WHAT IS GOING ON? I hate not knowing something that you all clearly do.."
Mike, taken aback took a deep breath, deciding it was the right time to tell Lucas.
"I'm bisexual, you probably don't know what that means, its liking girls and boys, I had told Robbin, the ice cream server this and she was asking me if I had told Will, who I like. I have absolutely no idea whats going on with Dustin and Will its probably something to do with last night where me and will Held hands and almost kissed. Happy?" Mike said quickly, hardly stopping between words.
"U-um, thats alot-ha ha, cool, since when?" Lucas was shocked, he had been given so much information so quickly with hardly any time to process it all, he wasnt completely ok with Mike being bisexual but, it was his best friend, so of course he was going to accept it.
"I've been questioning for about 4 months, Robin helped me relise, thanks for accepting me." Will felt amazing, he had told two of this closest friends his sexuality within 24 hours of each other.


"Can this be quick, I want some ice cream" Dustin was confused as to why Will wanted to talk to him so bad, Will usually had Mike to go to, of course they were best friends but deep down he knew that will had a stronger bond with Mike.
"Its about yesterday, and this morning, I guess. Mike was having a sleepover at mine and while we were watching the movie he fell asleep on my shoulder, then this morning he held my hand while he thought I was asleep..... and.. we almost kissed..."
"That's a lot, your telling me that you don't think he likes you back?"a shocked Dustin replied.
"Yea, I mean why would he? There is nothing to like about me." Tears were welling up in Wills eyes.
"Nothing to like about you?! You are the kindest, sweetest and smartest person I have ever met, I can't think of a reason Mike wouldn't like you!"
Will dried his tears "Than-"
Will and Dustin looked up to see Mike running over to them, a confused Lucas following shortly behind.
"Dude we were having a moment here can't you tell?" Dustin said, smiling.
"I'm sorry, but I really  need to talk to you." Mike looked at Dustin and Will apologetically.
Lucas took this as his que to go, he went inside to talk to Steve.
"Look, I should have told you this a lot sooner, and honestly I don't know why I didn't"
Will looked at Mike with a 'are you really about to do this' look.
Mike nodded at Will and smiled. Will gave Mike an encouraging smile back and got up to join Lucas.
"Stay, please" Mike whispered
Will sat back down and listened to Mike
"As I said, i should have told you this sooner,"
Dustin looked up at Will confused, Will didn't see as he was looking at Mike.
"I-im, God why is this so hard, I-im bisexual."
Mike looked up at Dustin and before he could say another word Dustin had pulled him into a hug.


I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this, I only planned up to chapter 5, so I'm kind of making it up as i go along.
Dont forget to vote!


How do you think El will react to everything so far?
(Comment your answers and if I like one of them I might add it to the storyline)


Words 1514

Chapter 6


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