Im Sorry, I love you.

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Will came home happy, he felt like nothing could ruin his mood.
He was now out to the entire party except El, who would see right through him and know instantly that the liked Mike, Will wasn't ready to deal with a angry El yet.
Will went to his room and started to draw. After about 10 minutes he heard his brother, Jonathan, who seemed concerned saying, "Will, we need to talk"
That was never good, Wills heart dropped, Jonathan couldn't know. If Jonathan found out,.Will knew that he would tell their Mum instantly, so if he already knew that would mean his mum would know, and most likely Nancy. Will didn't know if Nancy would tell her parents, he hoped not - remembering all the times that Mike's dad had seemed homophobic.
Will walked out of his room taking a deep breath and sat at the dining table with Jonathan.

Will: W-What did you want to talk about?

(Jonathan slides a photo onto the table)

Jonathan: I took this photo, not knowing who the two people were, Nancy seemed to recognise you but we were too far to tell, Mom thinks that it's you and Mike and after a lot of discussion I think Nancy does too. You can talk to me you know?

(Will took a deep breath, worrying about his mother's reaction, and Mike)

Will: I-I um. Yes, that's me and Mike, but we didn't kiss, he was pulling me up because a fell of my bike, that was just the moment after.
Jonathan: Will, are you gay?

Will: yeah, um-is that ok?

Jonathan: Of course it's ok Will, I just wish that I had found out another way, why diddnt you tell me? I thought we were close

Will: We are close, I just diddnt know how to tell you and I wasn't ready for mom to find out. Do you think she will be ok with it?

Jonathan: I know she'll be fine with it.

Will: What about Nancy, is she ok with it?

Jonathan: yes, she doesn't mind. Are you and Mike dating?

"No" said Will sadly. Jonathan could tell the boy liked Mike, but he didn't say anything. Suddenly the two boys looked up, Joyce was home.
"H-hi M-Mom" Will was terrified, Joyce was so accepting and supportive so why wouldn't she accept this? Will was nervous anyway. Joyce looked at her son asking him if he was gay just by looking at him. Will have her a small nod tears welling up in his eyes. Joyce walked toward Will, tears streaming down her face.
"It's ok Will" she grabbed Wills shoulders and pulled him into the most loving hug you could imagine. Joyce removed one arm from the hug signalling for Johnathan, who's eyes were welling up with tears as-well, to join the hug.

The phone starts to ring. Will got up to answer it, it was Mike.
"Will, Will, this is an emergency, your brother knows, so your mom probably knows too!"
"Mike, it's ok. Yes they know but they are fine with it."
Mike was hardly listening to what Will was saying so he continued apologising. "Look, I am so sorry, it's my fault. The moment was awkward, anyone could have seen it. It-it's just I-I wanted to kiss you so bad. I'm sorry, I love you" Will gasped at Mikes confession. Mike realised what he had said.
"I'm so sorry." Mike instantly regretted wht he had said, assuming Will didn't like him back.
"Mike I-"
Mike hung up, he didn't want to hear what Will had to say, he already knew he was going to be rejected...

Yes the name of the chapter is a reference to the original title of the fan fic.
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Words 646
Chapter 8
I'm Sorry, I love you.

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