used to you

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ky's POV

now is the time kyan. you can tell him.

"i think i want to use they/them pronouns. ive been researching some stuff and i just, it's weird to think about, and hard to explain. but i think i might be nonbinary. i don't know where to go or what to do." i breathe out, my knees pulled to my chest in my chair.

"okay cool, do you want a binder too? i can buy you one, any brand that's safe. and we can go get boxers or something from the shops," i look up and he's sitting there smiling at me.

"i- you'd do that for me?" i stumble across my words a bit, genuinely in shock.

"well of course, i," he pauses "care about you. and yeah,"

i get up and walk two short steps towards him and open my arms. he stands up and closes the gap between our bodies, squeezing me against him.

"can i make a joke that could cross two different lines?" he asks, still not letting go.

"go ahead," i allow, smiling against his torso.

"they use they/them but i want to be they/theirs," he whispers and fake cries, i shake my head as i walk to my bed in disappointment.

"who said you weren't already?" i joke, smiling at him.

"i can't wait until we're ready," he mutters, barely loud enough to hear.

"join the club, simp." i laugh, opening twitter and scrolling through my timeline.

"you're just as much of a simp as i am," he huffs, walking and laying across my legs.

"is that an issue though?" i peer out from behind my phone, before quickly opening snapchat.

"no, you're my favourite simp," he says, muffled by the sheets.

"look up," i say quietly, holding back a laugh.

he looks at the camera and goes red, causing me to laugh and end the video.

"why, just...why?" he asks, laughter seeping through his sentence.

"because you're pretty," i say simply, sitting up and lightly scratching his back.

"i have to pee but this feels great," he turns his head to face me.

"do not pull a dream on my bed," i stop scratching for a moment, pointing a finger at him.


"we should get drunk," i suggest as we're sitting on the couch.

"but i'm a lightweight," floris whines from the other end.

"boohoo cracker, i wanna get drunk," i laugh, now looking at him.

"fine, but i do get pretty bold when drunk," he warns, eyebrows raising.

"that's fine, as long as it's nothing we haven't said or done before." i laugh, scratching the side of my nose.

"oh wait it's like 8, do you wanna stream it or do you just want to get drunk?" he asks, checking his phone.

"let's just get drunk, just us," i smile, hoping he'd agree, but not expecting it.

"that's fine with me, less people to embarrass myself in front of," he chuckles, as i hear familiar tiktok sounds.

"i wanna see some ass, i wanna see some ass," i mumble along to the audio right before he scrolls.


"half a bottle down, half a bottle to go!" i shout, downing the vodka with ease.

"im three shots in and i'm gone," floris laughs as we sit on my bed.

"okay! my turn!" i say, downing about two shots immediately after.

"good girl," he pats my head, smiling sloppily.

i stare at him and blush a deep red. he looks at me and busts out laughing, his face turning red as well. i poke him and he grab my wrist, holding it away from himself. instead, he tickles me. i try to curl into myself, failure was inevitable.

we giggle as his hands search my torso for a sensitive spot, i try my best to hold back the laughter. failure was once again inevitable.

"florisss," i drag out his name, deciding to wrap my arms around his neck.

"hm?" he mumbles in response, now laying on top of me.

"you're my best friend," i whisper in his ear, giggling.

"we are so drunk right now," he laughs, propping himself up using his forearms.

"i won't remember this tomorrow," i smile, heart pounding.

"in that case, i think i love you," he slurs, letting himself fall fully on me.

"i think i do too."

short chapters for a while because of school!! i am trying my best to update when i can. also! the discord is still a thing if you guys would like to join :)

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