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ky's pov 

"of course." he says, hints of fear lather his voice.

"i don't really have anyone other than minx, and now you." i say slowly, fearing what he'd say.

"i'm not leaving. and i know we just met but i mean it. i know what it's like to have no one and have no one be there for you and i promise that i will be there for you whenever you need me. even if that means booking a flight to cong, i'll do it. you give me the word and i'm there, okay?" he says, his voice littered with comfort and genuine meaning. 

i choke up, realizing how good of a person this man is.

"all i can think to say is how we have to meet." i say jokingly.

"okay bet, when and where?" he says in a tone that i can't quite describe...maybe eagerness? excitement?

"here and now." i laugh, not realizing he means it.

"are you being serious? because i am." he asks in confusion. 

"i you even want to meet me?" i ask, pulling the covers over my shoulder. 

"of course i do. you're hilarious and i cannot wait to see your beautiful face in person." he smiles, blushing a light pink.

"i could say the same about you, simp." i stifle a laugh, failing to hold it together. 

"i'm booking a flight just to fight you i swear to god kyky," he bites his lip and rolls his eyes. 

"kyky?" i ask, raising an eyebrow.

"i mean, yeah? gotta have a nickname for my new favourite person." he teases, laughing.

"oh my god." i laugh at his stupid simping. 

"do i have consent to book a flight?" he asks genuinely.

i think about it for a minute. 

"not yet, but we should prank minx into thinking you're flying out here," i laugh, excited for the light bulb that just popped in my head. 

"that would be funny as fuck," he says, seemingly getting the same light bulb.

"okay so we just act like you're coming to see me?" i ask, trying to plan out the prank well enough to where she believes it. 

"yes, when should i come see you," he asks, doing air quotations around the words come see you.

"next week maybe?" i suggest, knowing one of us are likely to slip up at one point.

"okay that makes sense, how long are we gonna say that i'm staying?" he asks, trying to decipher a decent time. 

"wait you're actually gonna help me with this?" i ask in near disbelief. 

"yes you dumbnugget now tell me, how. long." he laughs as i see his facecam go away, assuming he went onto a google tab to look up flights in case she asked. 

"stay for 2 months," i say laaughing.

"easy," he pauses for a few seconds, "oh shit tickets are only like 33 euro," 

"wait really?" i ask in disbelief. 

"yes!" he says excitedly, "dude i could ACTUALLY come see you," 

"wait that's wild what the fuck," i say, genuinely shocked at the low price. 

"yes i'll see you in a week then." he says, i can hear the smile on his face as we burst out laughing. 


i wake up to shuffling, and i turn over to see fundy on my screen, hair messed up and eyelids low. 

"fundy?" i asked in a confused voice.

"did we?" he asks, rubbing his eyes.

"i think we did," i laugh, blushing lightly. 

"well good morning," he says in a tired voice which catches me off guard. 

"oh i um, good morning." i reply, giggling as i see his messed up hair, sticking straight up.

"i woke up to my phone blowing up," fundy says in confusion as i see his camera turn off, assuming he went to check notifications.

after a few seconds he tells me to go on twitter. i follow his suggestion, only to be met with people tagging me in one of minx's posts. oh god what did she do this time. i scroll through the mentions and i see a picture she took of me asleep with fundy on my phone screen asleep as well. the caption was "look at the edaters." 

"oh my god." i say, disbelief and embarrassment washing over me, my face heating up. 

"i mean, we be looking cute though," he teases, laughing.

"oh shut up," i laugh loudly, causing him to laugh again.

after a short but sweet conversation, i bring the phone downstairs with me to see minx sitting on the couch, seemingly on the phone. i put my fingers to my lips and motion for fundy to be quiet. i walk up behind her and see no other than jschlatt on her phone screen, and i do that same quite motion towards him. 

"and you call me an edater," i say close to her ear, causing her to jump and scream. 

that scream was soon followed by an essay of cussing and irish anger, making me, fundy, and schlatt laugh even harder than before. she soon joins in on the laughing, and we all end up laughing until our stomachs hurt of we were out of breath. 

"love you minx," i say after we calm down, earning a deserved 'fuck you' in return.

"oh also, we have news," i say to minx.

"oh?" she tilts her head lightly in confusion and interest. 

"he's coming here in a week," i say, smiling wide to hopefully mask the other intentions. 

"time to take you to get a bikini wax," she says, getting up and grabbing her keys.

"oH MY GOD MINX," i scream in embarrassment.

fundy is speechless after that one, and minx is laughing her ass off whilst i am trying to breathe. 

"who says i haven't gotten one already?" i ask as everyone goes silent.

"do you have something to tell me ky?" minx asks obviously trying (and failing) to stifle a laugh.

"oh i have many things to tell you, i'm just not going to do that with two men in the vicinity," i laugh as i stick my tongue out at fundy who's now switched back to his pc. 

"yeah yeah whatever ya dumb cunt," she says, slightly forcing her accent at the end.

"hey ky?" fundy says as i'm walking up the stairs.

"yeah?" i respond, not looking at my phone.

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