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ky's pov

i blushed a deep red before hearing my phone ding, a twitter notification. 

fundylive has followed you.
you have followed fundylive.

i scream excitedly and show minx what happened before realizing we were still streaming. chat blows up asking why i screamed and them making assumptions. unbeknownst to me, minx had lip synced the word "simp" and now chat really went batshit crazy. 

i left the room to go cool down and think over everything that has happened. i never even talked to the guy and i already got flustered just by him being around. this is wild. before i could walk up the stairs to my room i got a dm from this fundy guy asking if i was okay. by then i had somewhat sobered up after drinking water.

you ok?

i'm so embarrassed

oh yeah, sorry about that. i just thought you were cool.

you seem really chill. you also raided me so i kinda gotta thank you for that.

how about we get to know each other then?
nothing weird, just a discord call.

my head is killing me from all the media shares so i'd love a distraction.

here, my discord is

ok i'll add you.

i add him on discord and he almost immediately accepts my request. i message to make sure it's actually him and he confirms it by talking about me shaking my ass on stream which makes me laugh. i ask if he's ready and when he responds i call him, nervously holding it up to my ear. i have no clue where this anxiety came from nor do i know how to get rid of it. to make it worse, i didn't know why i was nervous. 

"hello," i hear a surprisingly attractive voice through the screen.

"hi," i say, accidentally giggling.

"so, what's your name?" he asks. i can hear the uncertainty in his voice.

"my name is ky, what about you?" i ask, calming down the more we talk.

"i'm floris, nice to meet you." he replies, seemingly more comfortable.
i repeat the name in my head. floris. floris. floris. it's very pretty, i wonder where he's from. his accent is subtle, but cute nonetheless.

"i'm from the netherlands. and i can tell you're from somewhere in ireland due to your accent." 

"that would be correct, i'm from cong," i confirm, smiling subtly at his observation. 

"oh cong! i've been there once. was very lovely and i went down to the river." he says excitedly. 

"it is very lovely here, the river is gorgeous and i love going swimming there during the summer months." i reply, happiness radiating off my tone of voice.

we talked for about an hour sharing interests, plenty of laughs and maybe even a little bit of friendly flirting before he turns his camera on. he's wearing a dark blue hoodie and his hair is slightly messy. 

"oh wow," i say, nearly in awe of the dutch boy in front of me. the way his hair flows just slightly over his eyes, with patch of light coloured hair in the front and on the side. his hoodie complimented his eyes almost perfectly, the dark hues shining with the light he used. 

"what's up?" i hear his voice ring through the speaker of my phone, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing me to the reality of the situation. 

"oh," i pause, thinking of an excuse, "i just uh, zoned out." 

"you should turn your camera on," he suggests, smiling with his teeth, something i hadn't seen anyone do but i still stared in awe. 

"why? you've seen my face before." i question, my curiosity flowing over.

"doesn't mean i can't see it again." he says quietly, in an almost hushed tone. 

"i mean, i guess you're right, i'm going to be doing my makeup though," i reply, making my way to the kitchen to grab a water before heading towards the bathroom that was adjacent to my room.

i grab a stool from the closet and set my phone on the counter against the mirror and take a deep breath. i press the camera button and it turns on, i pull my arm back and sit there before frantically waving and laughing. he reciprocates and we share a short but lovely laugh.

"so," i start, bending down and reaching for my makeup bag and brushes. 

"so," he mimics, "you come here often?" 

"no, but i could start," i say mindlessly, not realizing what i said until he went quiet.

"i'm sorry did i do something?" i ask, putting down the brush i had grabbed instinctively and staring at him.

"oh uh no, sorry i just zoned out," he lies right through his teeth. i can tell even underneath the hair that hangs slightly over his cheeks that he's a light shade of pink. 

"uh huh, sure you did." i giggle, applying foundation to my beauty blender, applying it lightly to my cheeks, nose, eyes, and forehead. 

"shut up," he says defensively. 

i look at the camera with a disapproving look and he completely breaks character.

"i'm sorry!" he shouts, hands up in defeat.

i laugh at this gesture as i try to fill in my eyebrows, and move down to my eyes.

i grab a smaller, shorter brush and dip it in a maroon red, covering my eyelid and blending in some lighter red shades. i take a glance every so often and i see fundy staring at his phone smiling. i stop what i'm doing for a second to admire the boy on my phone screen once again. 

"take a picture, it'll last longer

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"take a picture, it'll last longer." he says whilst keeping his eyes on his phone, smirking lightly.

"well," i pause, "in that case i'll do just that." 

he glows a light shade of pink as i grab my phone and take a screenshot.


"hey what are y- who is that," minx barges in, obviously drunk off her ass. 

"it's a friend," i say quickly, grabbing my phone and holding it to my chest to block her view.

"a friend or a friend?" she asks wiggling her eyebrows, putting an emphasis on the last "friend."

"MINX!" i shout, glowing red. "he's just a friend oh my god."

"oh so you DO like him!" she says in an accusatory tone. 

all of a sudden fundy busts out laughing and i pull the device away from my pink face to flip him off, not realizing minx saw him too.

"no fucking way." she says in disbelief, "IT'S HIM!"

"oh my god.." i say in defeat, showing her who was on my screen, only to receive a drunken gasp.

"hey minx!" fundy says, laughing lightly.

"you know each other?" i ask, confusion evident on my face.

"yeah kinda," she laughs lightly as well.

"how'd you meet?" i ask, curiosity taking over my tone. 

"well uh..." 

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