sweater weather

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ky's pov

"what the fuck!" i scream, smiling wider than ever and instinctively jumping onto him and wrapping my slender but not bony arms around his lanky shoulders. 

"hi there," he says, wrapping his arms around my torso and laughing.

"why are you here-why- what how?" i stumble on my words, confused and happy at the same time, not to mention anxious. the clash of emotions was evident, however still somehow hidden.

"i just thought fuck it, and plus, minx helped," he says, seeming nonchalant with his responses, acting as though this was long planned.

"minx i swea-," i'm cut off by her taunting "ah ah ah," with a finger wave.

we all fall into a fit of laughter as i let the boy in, before heading back out and grabbing his bags, much to his dislike. i haul the suitcase and small carry on bag that was in minx's car into the house, setting them in the guest bedroom. 

"okay so what first," i say as i walk back down the stairs, only to be greeted with a phone calling fundy, once again.

"ayo who the FUCK you on the phone with?" i ask, coming closer to him.

"it's just a friend," he responds, a smile on his face. "his name is technoblade,"

"OH isn't that the anarchist pig that hates government that you told me about?" i say, remembering our conversation from a while back. 

"yes it's that one," he laughs as he responds, turning away from me. i decide to sneak up behind him and grab his shoulders, laughing as he screamed whilst i heard muffled complaints from the other person. 

"give me a hug i'm cold," i complain, really just wanting to annoy fundy.

"here just take my sweater," he says as he throws the thin knitted sweater at me, to which i surprisingly catch it and slip it over my head. it of course was a size too big and went past my hips and reached my mid-thigh.

i decide to sit on the arm of the couch whilst waiting for fundy to finish his phone call. while waiting, i decide to scroll through my twitter, looking through mentions, and dms before i see a dm from none other than austin from the austin show. 

would you be interested in a love or host in about a week?

are you SERIOUS?


i- sure fine yeah ??? when ??

4 days?

oh dear god, who brought you up to this?

that's for me to know and you not to worry about ky :)

fuck you

love you too 

"FUNDYYY," i scream, despite seeing him putting his phone in his back pocket and turning to face me. 

"what the FUCK do you want," he says, smiling wide and walking towards me, making faces and walking weird. 

"hello," i say, getting up and pushing him before running around the couch, waiting for him to get up, and he faces me from the front of the couch. i point my finger at him, my finger being covered by the sleeve of the sweater. this malfunction caused us both to start laughing, me buckling over and him using the couch to lean on. 

"it's so big oh my god," i manage to get out, before realizing what i just said, this further making us laugh harder than before, if that was even possible.

"you should wear my clothes more often," fundy says whilst walking around the couch, causing me to go red and hide my face in the sleeves.

"simp," i say, poking him in the ribs and giggling lightly. my giggle was cut short by him using his finger to tilt my head up, forcing me to make eye contact with him. 

"boop," he says as he pokes my nose with his finger.

"god if you're gonna be this close just kiss me," i say sarcastically, going to laugh but being caught by a hand on my cheek.

"what are you two doing?" minx asks as she steps down the stairs, causing his hand to leave its position on my cheek, a small frown forming on my face as i missed his touch.

"we are just chilling in cedar rapids," i say, reluctantly stepping away from fundy, a light blush on both of our faces. 

i decide to walk over to the kitchen, acting as though nothing happened. this doesn't mean i didn't feel the tension between me and the man across the room. i just chose to ignore it, up until i turned away to grab a drink and i was met with a timid tap on the shoulder.

"what's up?" i ask fundy, seeing him standing before me with a slight pout on his face. i walk over and sit on the countertop, something i was accustomed to doing since childhood. 

"i didn't get to be the hot guy who kisses the girl in those cliche love stories," he complains, chuckling at the end of his sentence.

"well you are the hot guy, there's just one thing you're missing," i smile, a sudden wave of confidence washing over me.

"oh really? and what might that be?" he asks as he takes a step forward, positioned between my legs.

"the kiss that begins the long love story of the two who were destined to be together." i look at him, grabbing his hand and lacing our fingers together. 

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