✯ eleven ✯

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"I was in a trance,
when I kissed the teacher."
-When I kissed the Teacher by Abba

It was only after she was magically bound to Sirius that Juno began to get suspicious.

Well, let's rewind for a moment, shall we?

The official wedding ceremony was fairly boring, save for the end when instead of kissing or something traditional, Juno had hopped on Sirius's back -in a floor length dress, no less- and they'd run out giggling.

Dumbledore had intercepted them outside to escort them to the room in which they would be performing the Unbreakable.

That alone had sobered them up, but they were surprisingly really calm about it all considering this would bind them forever. Something tingled in the back of her mind, something important she should probably pay attention to.

She didn't, which might be eventually be an issue. She'll burn that bridge when she gets to it.

"I swear." Sirius finished his portion after she sweared and gave her hand a squeeze, the one connected to hers in order to perform the ritual.

Dumbledore was the one casting the actual spell as the two of them had too many trust issues to let anyone else do it. There's that tingle again.

As Sirius finished his vow and Dumbledore gave a flick of his wand over their joined hands, a bright string of red light emerged from the tip of his wand.

It wrapped around her forearm first, leaving a burning trail behind that made her hiss in pain until it glided over their fingers before finally curling around Sirius. It faded then, leaving only peculiar scars on their forearms and hands.

"You thinking what I'm thinking, Starman?" Juno grinned as she held her arm up to examine the area.

"Only if it has to do with tattoos or alcohol. Or both!" He leaned towards her expectantly with raised brows.

"Why, of course." She said coyly, running her fingers over the long scar.

She hadn't known it would leave a visible scar, but those were nothing new to her. At least this one was for a better cause, or something like that.

"I think you should write up your plan for the week for your students, Padfoot." Remus interjected after exchanging an amused glance with Connall.

"And you should be doing your homework, Junebug."  Her father stepped up beside him with a teasing grin.

Juno realized then that he would have to leave, probably on some cool adventure and she wouldn't see him for a few more months. She knew better than to expect anything else, but it still pained her to think he might not come back.

This was something they had argued about a lot, especially when he came home injured and bloody. Juno had already lost one parent and had no family other than Conall.

She couldn't lose him too. She wouldn't allow it.

However, Conall loved his job, and sitting around at home when he could be out saving lives and adventuring just wasn't in his blood. Heidyn's have always been particularly stubborn.

"Yeah, yeah. Are you leaving now?" She said casually, but the four men in the room could hear the strain in her voice.

Conall softened, sighing as he pulled her into a firm embrace. His lips pressed against her temple affectionately before he let her go with a sad smile.

"I'm taking shorter jobs this year, sweetheart. I'll be there whenever you need me, you know what to do." He said reassuringly.

And she did, of course.

He had come home from a particularly difficult job in Cayuga territory in the States with more exciting gifts than usual. A chief had given him an enchanted wampum belt pair that was used for communication with the other chiefs before they began using birds.

The Cayuga was the only nation part of the Great Law of Peace that were entirely magical, but the other chiefs were privy to the magical world as well as they had witches and wizards in their own nations. The wampum belts were used mostly in times of war, or when a chief was unable to attend council.

Conall had received a matching set after breaking a curse that brought hoards of evil spirits to the Cayuga territory, one that had plagued them for decades. Since then, she and her father had learnt how to use it, but decided it would only be for emergencies.

"We'll be off now, then. Best of luck to you two, don't forget to owl!" Remus smiled at his friends before patting Sirius on the back.

Sirius wasn't about to let him go that easily, however, so he brought the man into a hug that somehow ended with the two of them on the floor laughing.

"Alright, alright. Let them go off on their grand adventures so they can bring us back gifts. I've got a bottle of Singleton that's calling our name." Juno winked, before walking out first.

The other men in the room gave him a pointed look that set him running after her with a mischievous grin.


Juno had made it to the secret passage by the time he caught up, turning the corner with a laugh as she saw him racing to get to her.

She sped up, but he caught her by the waist as she got to the first step of the astronomy tower. Their laughter echoed up the tower, and gossiping portraits began to whisper excitedly.

"I'm incredibly tempted to kiss you right now." Sirius said breathily as he stared down at her with a bit of hunger in those beautiful eyes of his.

"I'm tempted to let you." Juno chuckled before pulling him into a deep kiss.

A literal shock had them springing apart, until they both realized it had to do with her.. gift.

Sirius just pulled her closer again right into a kiss left her positively dizzy. She felt heat in her cheeks as he pulled her up the stairs, stealing kisses along the way.

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