✯ four ✯

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"If you start me up, if you start me up I'll never stop."
Start Me Up- The Rolling Stones

Dinner was definitely Juno's favorite meal of the day, as it was when she was hungriest and there were the best desserts. She could see the spot beside Harry saved for her, since she was a little late, but the twins weren't there yet either.

The reason for this was that she'd lost track of time with Sirius as they listened to various albums and discussed their favorite artists. Her love for David Bowie was nearly matched by Sirius's love for Queen though they'd found they both knew many artists that the other didn't, which was very exciting for them as it promised many more evenings like those in the year ahead.

By the time she'd gotten a glimpse of her wristwatch they were already late, so they'd had to rush down the tower. She had headed for the stairs when Sirius pulled her into a secret passage that hadn't been plotted into the magical map the twins had showed her in their third year. This was when Sirius confessed to helping create said magical map, thoroughly shocking and delighting the young Gryffindor.

Their entrance cause more than a few heads to turn, much to their shared amusement. A glance at Juno let Sirius know she was just as unbothered as he was, which was a relief because he truly didn't want to be the reason she was uncomfortable.

The fact that they had come in together, standing closer than acquaintances should -though neither of them noticed this- caused some people to murmur a few nasty rumors in the making.

"If there's a rumor that I seduced you for grades, you're showing me those other secret passages you were talking about." She drawled over to Sirius, who shot her a challenging smile.

"I'll do that whether there is one or not, but you'll still have to earn it." His voice deepened slightly as he leaned closer to speak to her, the sound sending a ripple of shivers down her spine.

'Oh, he was so flirting,' Juno thought as she fought a stupid giggle.

"So sorry, Sirius! I mean-" Fred started as he tugged Juno away from the man by the hand.

"Professor, Freddy. He's gone over to the wrong side now, such a shame." George tutted as he sidled up to Juno's other side, still addressing the older man.

"Although, we do have enough mischief between the three of us to give the people of Hogwarts something to laugh at, wouldn't you say so, Juniper?" Fred winked at her, and she grinned in return.

"See you later, professor! 'Fraid we've got to steal your fiancée away now." George said as the dragged the girl away by the shoulders.

Sirius stared after them with a laugh, glad they hadn't started treating Juno any differently because of the situation. He ruffled Harry's hair as he passed them on the way to his chair and earned a toothy grin from the boy that warmed his heart.

He'd been so glad to work at Hogwarts purely for the opportunity to finally take care of Harry the way a godfather truly should, even if people like Molly Weasley felt it was too late for him to start now.

"We saw that little scene before we interrupted, Juniper. Don't think you're getting away with keeping that obvious sexual tension a secret." Fred said shamelessly after Sirius had gotten out of hearing range, and Harry nearly choked on his mashed potatoes at his words.

"Fred Weasley, you should know better than to ask a woman about her sex life." She mused as she sent the twins a mischievous look.

Harry looked absolutely appalled as he turned to her, and the rest of the golden trio were in a similar state. Hermione was bright red and Ron looked mighty uncomfortable, though this would never keep him from eating his food.

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