✯ five ✯

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"It's more than a feeling!"
More Than A Feeling- Boston

Sirius Black discovered that night that Juno didn't sleep with a pillow, nor did she sleep with pants on. It was non-negotiable according to her as any time he tried to tell her to put pants on she just turned her back on him.

He truly didn't know how he would last the week, much less the year with the girl if she was going to do this every night. Not only was the whole baggy band t-shirt, hair down situation incredibly hot to him, her mischievous smiles and ridiculously nice legs drove him mad.

It was for this reason that he shoved the extra pillows between them and turned his back on her before they both went to sleep.

The action proved to be completely futile the next morning however, when they woke up tangled in each other's arms. Her head was on his shoulder and her nose skimmed his neck every time he took a breath, her hand on his chest right over his rapidly beating heart. His arms were around her and their legs were just a jumble of limbs and covers.

This was when Sirius became hyper-aware of the fact that her shirt had ridden up and his hand was on her bare waist, absentmindedly moving up and down her side.

He retracted his hand as if the touch had burned him, but Juno mumbled in a sleepy voice, "Keep doing that, it felt nice."

Sirius pulled away quickly, getting up clumsily as he almost tripped over the sheets, "No! We're- This is so wrong."

Juno groaned into his pillow at the sudden movement and lifted her head to try and understand what was wrong with him.

"All due respect, what the fuck are you talking about?" She turned and propped herself up on her elbows, the sheets sliding down her chest as she did.

"I don't know how you're doing this, but everything you do is hot as hell and that is so dangerous because I'm twice your age as well as your teacher. This whole thing is so crazy, I really just don't know what to do." Sirius groaned, sitting back down on the bed in anguish.

Juno rubbed her eyes for a moment before sighing and crawling over to sit next to him, "You don't have to do anything. I'm not doing anything to make your manly bits go crazy, that's on you. I don't know why it's so weird that you're attracted to me, that's a natural thing to feel. I'm very attracted to you as well even though I realize it's unorthodox to be feeling this way for an old coot like you, much less a teacher. But I think it's good that we feel this way."

Juno gave him a moment to take that all in as she slid off the bed to kneel in front of him so he'd finally have to look her in the eyes for the first time that morning. Taking one of his hands in hers and putting the other on his knee she continued, "We're getting married, Sirius. Actually married. And I don't think I have to tell you what people do on the night of their wedding. I don't know what this thing between us is right now, but I'm willing to just embrace it if you are.

"People are expecting us to rebel, to fight this every step of the way. Now, I don't know you too well yet, but if you're anything like me you enjoy disappointing all the right people. Which will happen if we show up to breakfast today all cozy, let me tell you." She gave his hand a squeeze as he sighed before pulling her up to sit next to him.

"You're very mature for a seventh-year, you know." He said grumpily, but she could tell it was a joke as he cracked a smile.

"Thanks, it's the trauma." At this, they both snorted in laughter before getting ready for the day ahead.


Walking into the Great Hall was only slightly anti-climactic, as Juno had expected to get the usual stares and perhaps make a few Slytherins angry purely by showing up.

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