✯ seven ✯

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"Something in the way she moves,
Attracts me like no other lover.
Something in the way she woos me."
Something- The Beatles

The warmth against her body was familiar now, and only after the sleep had fully left her did she realize that it came from Sirius.  It felt so incredibly nice to be cocooned in his muscled, tattooed arms that she nearly fell back asleep until she felt a sweet kiss on her shoulder.

Juno turned to smile lazily at him only to find he looked like he'd been up for a very long time already, "G'morning."

Calloused fingers brushed hair away from her cheek, "Good morning, love."

She let her eyes flutter shut in contentment before a soreness in her hand caught her attention when she tried to pull the blanket closer. Sirius immediately pulled the blanket up for her, cradling her injured hand gently.

"I tried to heal it as much as I could, but I can imagine it's still very sore." He muttered, voice deepened by the early morning.

The night before came back to her all at once, and she pulled her hand away roughly, "Don't touch them."

"Your hands?" He looked like a kicked puppy with the way he tilted his head worriedly.

"No, the scars." She traced the new addition gingerly before letting out a sigh, "They're gross."

"Darling, you can't possibly believe I'd ever be disgusted by you. Have you seen yourself?" He asked, incredulous.

When she didn't answer as her cheeks colored slightly he run a hand down her side, stopping to grasp her soft thigh in his rough hands. He pulled her closer with it and rested his hand scandalously higher, taking full advantage of her no-pants-to-bed rule.

"With these legs? And this-" Sirius had squeezed the firm muscle beneath his hand, eliciting a sharp inhale that interrupted his words.

With a dark look, Juno used those very legs to flip him on his back and rest on his hips, "I get it, you scoundrel."

She watched in satisfaction as his expression changed as she shifted against his hips, his lips parting with a strangled sigh, "Juno."

Her name sounded delicious coming from those lips, in that voice. Merlin, she needed to stop before she lost all control.

With one swift movement she rolled off of him and stood, pausing to slip her feet into her velvet slippers, "Well, best to get changed now. Breakfast starts soon."


Getting scolded by McGonagall for her inattentiveness wasn't very commonplace as the woman knew her personal struggles, but Juno supposed that the blush on her cheeks gave away what she'd really been thinking of.

When she'd originally thought about the consummation it seemed more like a task to check off her list of chores. Now, though, her skin tingled in anticipation and a well-known heat between her thighs had formed.

'Damn, I'll have to take care of that next period before Sirius comes back from his class.' She shifted in her seat uncomfortably, and nearly cried when it was announced it was time to leave.

When she'd gotten back to her room her fingers worked quickly to undo the knot that had formed, and she made sure her music was blasting in case Sirius came back early and heard her.

"Fuck." She moaned lowly as her hips bucked against her own fingers. Sweat dotted her forehead as she leaned against the empty bathtub, panting slightly but satisfied.

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