✯ ten ✯

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"Don't ever say I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
I never said I'm better, I'm better, I'm better."
-New Killer Star by Bowie

It should've taken longer to get ready for her wedding, shouldn't it?

After an hour of magical curling serums and an enchanted makeup routine, Juno was all ready to metaphorically waltz down the aisle in her gorgeous black dress.

She'd always been upset about her mother's death for about a million reasons, but today she just missed an event that never had the chance to happen.

Her mother would never be helping her get ready for her wedding, or tell her how beautiful she looks, or calm her down when she gets nervous. She was terribly alone in this endeavor, not that that was anything new.

The only weddings she'd ever seen were on the telly and the one she'd attended when she was too young to remember. So it wasn't at all surprising when she kept learning new things about wizard's weddings.

Apparently, the first half is quite similar to a muggle wedding, until it isn't.

There are bridesmaids and groomsmen in their usual places, as well as a wizard presiding over the ceremony in the center. Sirius would be there in wait as their few friends and family shuffled in until it was her turn. That was about everything muggle and ordinary about their wedding today, though.

They would have the semi-public portion with their friends and the little family they had before they placed enchanted rings on each other that would shatter the next morning if they don't consummate the wedding. Another magical aspect of it all was the private ceremony just afterward in which she and Sirius will swear an Unbreakable Vow that they will remain married until they have two children.


As she was fabulously early -not a common thing for her- she had decided to walk to the quidditch pitch and sit pathetically on the bleachers until she was a little late, but it seemed the castle had other plans as the stairs suddenly shifted while she was on them.

Juno was then face to face with a secret passage leading near the kitchens and thought, 'Eh, why the hell not? It's my wedding day.'

"Juniper/Juno/JJ!" Half-panicked shouts greeted her as she walked in and she froze in the doorway.

A group of redheads and two stragglers stood suspiciously in front of the tables in the kitchens, but what caught her attention was a nickname that had been shouted.

"Bill?" Juno called out excitedly, pushing past the twins who were trying to steer her back out.

"Hey, Lionheart." Bill stepped forward with a sheepish smile now that the secret was out.

She didn't hesitate to throw herself at him in a fierce hug and he swept her up with a carefree laugh. The twins huffed and crossed their arms in unison, pouting that they hadn't gotten the same attention.

"I thought you were in the middle of a job! How are you here?" She beamed at him until she realized what she was doing and stepped back.

"Well, I wasn't supposed to finish this early, but there were some complications that let me come home while they get resolved. So I came to see my Lionheart get married." Bill smiled down at her softly before tugging a lock of her hair. "You look beautiful."

Juno quirked a smile before stepping around him to see what the twins were up to. No one but Charlie caught the fleeting emotion in both of them, though he just eyed them curiously and hugged Juno when she launched herself at him next.

"I should've gotten a detention just now, you know." Juno leaned against the table the twins were at, adding drops of something to the food that will be served to the Slytherins.

"On your wedding day, Juniper?" George asked dramatically.

"Have you no shame?" Fred continued in a frighteningly accurate Molly Weasley impersonation.

"First and foremost, never do that again." She said as she playfully leaned away from them. "Second of all, yes on my wedding day, isn't that all the more reason to get into mischief? An arranged marriage?"

Bill and Charlie snorted at her logic while she received high fives from the twins. She shrugged her shoulders daintily and looked over at the older pair.

"I ran into Blaze Zabini and I meant to say 'could you move, please', but instead I said 'Are you just going to stand there like a miserable little bastard'. He found it funny enough, but Dumbledore was directly behind me."

"I imagine with the way you're absolutely stunning right now and in that fancy dress, you must've scared the hell out of that kid too." Charlie quirked a grin as Juno playfully glared.

"I'm not scary." There was a beat of silence while they all stared incredulously at Juno until she snorted and pushed herself onto the countertop, "I'm terrifying, now pass me that bottle of whiskey you're hiding."


Perhaps the alcohol right before such a momentous occasion wasn't the smartest choice of action, but Juno was having the time of her life. Charlie and Bill -who were doing their best to keep her together and serious enough not to make a scene- were not.

"Blimey, this can't get any worse." Charlie muttered as they steered her away from a peculiar conversation with a painting.

"Sure it can! Just give me a minute, silly!" Juno giggled, giggled, at him and bopped his nose with her index finger.

Footsteps came from the other direction, along with whispers and a few giggles that made the Weasley's groan as they presumed they would have to keep Juno from attacking a group of gossipers.

Turns out they needn't worry about that, but definitely still worry about the fact that it was Sirius, who was also very nearly drunk and being steered by Remus.

"Merlin's trousers, you've got to be kidding." Remus groaned upon seeing her, currently dramatically draping herself over Bill.

Sirius then finally noticed his fiancée in front of him and gasped, leaping up to hug her as she patted his back confusedly.

"Hey there, buddy." She said, with a sympathetic look as if she were consoling him.

"You're so pretty! Do I know you?" He held her hands to his chest excitedly and she blinked for a moment, processing.

"That's your fiancée, you absolute idiot." Remus hissed at him from behind before attempting to pull him back, though it was futile at this point.

"We're getting married?! I'm getting married to her?! Godric, I'm so lucky. Sober me must be really cool." Sirius looked -and sounded- like a lovesick puppy, pun intended.

Juno gave him a grin before looping her arm through his and kicking open the door to the great hall, "Excuse us, we have to go make a scene."

Before anyone could stop them and explain that Sirius walks in first and Juno last, Conall Heidyn cast a full body-bind curse on the two and shut the doors once more.

"You two are definitely made for each other, I'll tell you that. Both getting drunk right before your wedding." Conall chuckled, and the other three exhausted men joined in.

In a matter of minutes Conall was able to get them both sober enough, although they were still terribly giggly.

That wasn't important though, for they had a wedding and an Unbreakable to swear.

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