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"Hello world! I'm your wild girl!"
Cherry Bomb- The Runaways

"No fucking way." Juno said incredulously to the ginger haired twin to her left as they made their way to the Great Hall for dinner.

"I'm telling you, I saw the Bloody Baron flirting with the Fat Lady yesterday. I had to interrupt them to get into the common room, it was horrible!" George shivered dramatically as the other two laughed.

It'd been three days since the announcement and Hogwarts had spread the word at record speed. One of her roommates, a girl from the Gryffindor quidditch team, had patted her leather-clad shoulder and given her a sympathetic look that very night.

Every pureblooded seventh year in the castle was receiving the same, pitiful looks from all the other grades. Most that were in Slytherin, however, had hexed anyone who looked at them or even worse, approached them with condolences.

Juno was no exception to the treatment as she found herself being pitied in everywhere she'd gone, to the point where she'd nearly copied the the Slytherins's example. Instead, she roughly told the unfortunate girl sitting next to her at lunch that she couldn't give a rat's arse whether or not she was matched.

It wouldn't matter anyways, the ministry wasn't crazy enough that they'd match the murderess with some sorry sod.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sniggering of her favorite twins as they watched their brother clutch his nose after Hermione freed it from his goblet.

"You finally learned the secret to the nose-biting teacups? Nice." She smirked broadly at the two as she gave them each a high-five and Ron sent an offended glare her way.

"Not 'nice'! I thought you liked me, Juno." Ron gave her a miserable look that she just had to snort at before answering.

"Sorry, kiddo. I have to appreciate genius when I see it." Juno said, not sounding very apologetic as she shrugged with a wink to the twins.

"You guys have your interviews tonight, don't you Juno? How are you feeling?" Hermione asked then as nonchalantly as she could, which wasn't very much.

Juno shared an exasperated look with the twins before turning to the shorter brunette, "Uncertainty excites me, Hermione! Although I already know what will happen."

The trio of fifth-years looked taken aback by the answer, but it was Harry who spoke next, "What do you mean?"

"Well we all know just how fondly the ministry thinks of me, so I doubt they're about to stick one of their precious pure-bloods with me even if it is for 'the sake of the wizarding world'." She rolled her eyes as she reached across the boy to grab a dinner roll.

The rest of them paid close attention to the girl after hearing her talk about the ministry, as Juno had never really talked about what happened to her all those years ago. They'd never asked, and she'd never told, so all the information they knew came from rumors and old newspapers. Harry understood not wanting to talk about dead parents, so he quickly told the others to let her tell them when she's ready.

"Anyways, Harry, I heard about your run-in with the dementors this summer. What was that about?" She not-so-subtly changed the subject as she bit into the roll.

Harry looked embarrassed then, and he took a minute to answer as he pushed his food around with his fork.

"I was really scared I was going to get expelled. Hogwarts is my home, I-I can't imagine never being able to come back." He admitted shyly, before looking up to find the older witch looking at him contemplatively.

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