Strength Of Will

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Blue Bird smirks as the sharp metal........

needle enters Cole's neck.

Cole yelled curses as the drug enters him before he was dropped paralyzed from whatever drug was in the syringe. "Take him to the interrogation tent," Blue Bird orders than yelled. "Round everyone up and find the others he didn't come alone," Blue Bird orders as Cole was dragged by the skulkin to the tent he was ordered to be brought to as Jay and Zane had no choice, but could only just watch as he was taken away.

"Let that boy go!"

It was not them who yelled it, but Ms, B who stomps right up to Blue Bird unafraid. "You will not harm that boy!" She stomps her worn out shoe in the sand. Others began coming forward who just could not stand back and let a kid who had only been trying to keep them safe from being hurt.

"Back to digging all of you! Or do you wish for your children to replace your work?" Blue Bird asks a clear threat cutting through the crowd.

The entire crowd looks at the tent where the children were all of them surrounded by skulkin who was looking at them kind of unsure. None of the people spoke up after that and a few parents of said children had tears in their eyes at the thought of putting their young through this labour. They would not last long and Blue Bird did not care how long they lasted. She smirks as the crowd became quiet. "Good now get to work," Blue Bird orders and left the skulkin to do the back ground checks of the people to see if they too were ninja.

Zane and Jay looked at each other in a panic as the people were put in a line and checked individually. Jay looks around for a escape when a skulkin grabbed him and Zane looking them over. His eyes widened with recognition and they got ready to fight even if they would most likely loose the battle.

Instead of turning them in though the skulkin pushed something into Zane's and Jay's hands before moving off to check the rest of the people confusing the two. When no one else was identified as a ninja everyone was then put back to work. "What was that about?" Jay asks Zane who looked at his peace of paper.

"Meet us at the red skull," Zane reads out loud in a small whisper. Jay looks at his piece and said. "Not a bird?" Jay asks in confusion. The two had no time to talk more on it before being put back to work. They spent the rest of the time trying to talk to people, but after what happened to Cole they were too scared to do anything.

Speaking Of Whom

Cole sputters as cold water was dumped on him. He looks around and found himself in a cage and when he tries breaking the bars he found them coated in venge-stone. "Like the cage?" A voice asks in the corner and Cole turned his head seeing Lila no longer transformed in blue bird now just smirking at him evilly from outside of the cage.

"What do you want? Why are you doing this to innocent people!" Cole growls at her banging against the bars. She walks in front of the cage mockingly. "Well the answer is simple really, but your to simple minded to see it," she sneers at him. "I want my due!" She hisses pointing to herself with her thumb. "What are you talking about?" Cole asks her. "You, your friends, everyone always get what they want. Me on the other hand with all the good I do I get nothing! My father gone running off with some lady while my mother left me to myself when I needed her most," Lila was seething with rage and hatred in her eyes. "Then the idiot believed anything that came out of my mouth and I realized that was my power. I could make any idiot I pleased fall for anything I said no matter what," Lila gave a laugh that was kind of unhinged, Cole could relate in some way to all this.

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