Two new heroes

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(Thank you for the suggestions with the miraculous I know it gave some spoilers, but hey we all knew I was gonna give it to them at some point)

Ladybug swung to the Agreste manner seeing indeed something was going on. She snuck over to a window that didn't have it totally barred just locked down in bullet proof glass. She peered through the window to see what she assumed was either Natalie's or Garbiel's office. Kai and Zane were in there as they dodged everything that was thrown at them with ease and skill. More skill than Ladybug thought because Zane was the smart none athletic kid, Kai maybe, but with this much ease and skill was odd and suspicious. Maybe Alya had a point about them.

"Hello M'lady gonna bust some ghosts tonight?" Cat Noir said appearing behind her making her jump slightly. "How did you know to get here?" Ladybug asks. "I heard screaming and the building going on lock down during a night stroll," Cat Noir answers with a shrug. "Well we need to help them they don't stand a chance," Ladybug said pointing to the window and not looking. "No I think they are good," Cat Noir said. Ladybug turns her head back dumbfounded to see Kai and Zane had taken to hopping onto the objects being flown at them as a means of dodging. "Cole just calm down I'm sorry I did not know the experience still traumatized you," Zane said. "Too late for sorry," Tremor growls throwing more objects at them. "Zane we should!" Kai starts before being cut off. "No! We cannot do that we will just have to wait until help arrives," Zane responds. There was a scream somewhere else in the building it sounded female and Cat noir whispered under his breath. "Natalie," but was unheard by ladybug. "I'll be back to make you two tremble once I deal with those other weaklings," Tremor said before disappearing.

"I think it's time to use a lucky charm," Ladybug said. She summoned it getting a teapot. "Are we making some tea?" Cat noir asked though knew who she was going to. "Maybe later kitty," Ladybug smirks with a playful wink. Suddenly a green hand came out of the roof grabbing Ladybug's foot. She was pulled to the roof ground as Tremor came out of the roof with a sinister grin. "Woo a little bug to squash," he said. Ladybug kicked him away, but it just went through. "Maybe I see what it feels like to be inside people's heads," Tremor said than dove into ladybug. "Ladybug!" Cat Noir screamed for her as she and her suit turned a dark green. Her eyes opened and she smiled something that will haunt Cat Noir's nightmares for awhile. "Come on kitty hand over the pretty jewel," Ladybug said in Tremor's voice. Cat Noir backed up. "I-I'll be back for you M'lady," Cat Noir said than ran off.

"Now take her earrings!" Hawkmoth screamed at him. "Aww come on let me have a little fun first besides it will be easier for me to take the kitty town later when he returns for his precious bug," Tremor said and Hawkmoth grunts. "Fine but do not disappoint me," Hawkmoth said.

I did not give him the power to make the earth move or was that just coincidence?

Cat noir changed into Adrien as he went to master Fu opening the door to find the master meditating. He was surprised to see Adrien and not Marionette. "Adrien what are you doing here?" Master Fu asks. "I'm sorry master I know only ladybug is supposed to come, but a new villain has her and her lucky charm said to come here," Adrien explains. Master Fu nodded in understanding before getting the miracle box. He opened it as the miraculous all presented themselves to him. "Adrien Agreste choose someone you know will do good and no evil someone you can trust. Then come back and return the miraculous to me," Master Fu said. Adrien was about to reach for one when he pulled back unsure. "Why do you hesitate?" Master Fu asked. "I'm not like ladybug I'm not smart, I get fooled by lies often, what if I make the wrong choice?" Adrien asked. "Ladybug has made errors in the past, but she had you to help her. Now she needs you again," Master Fu said. "Besides you got no other option and we need to get back to the house and save my cheese!" Plagg said and Adrien cracked a smile at him. Adrien looked back at the miraculous box. He trusted Nino with his life, but he had a suspicion he was carapace with how much the turtle themed hero said dude. Plus this was more than a one or two hero job he needed more. He knew who to choose and which miraculous.

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