Christmas sorrows part 2

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Lloyd stomps his foot and the ground seemed to suck them under the floor. They all struggled to get out since it was up to their waists. "Lloyd listen-" Nya said. "I am not Lloyd! I am sorrow and you will regret hurting me," Sorrow growls looking at Kai with the last part. "Lloyd-Sorrow snap out of it!" Kai urges.

"Lloyd we know your hurting let us help you," Zane said. Sorrow turned to Zane and bent down at eye level with him glaring. "What do you know? You caused all of us grief when you died and left us. Your just a robot and even if you had a heart it would be colder than ice," Surrow said and Zane looked stricken and hurt. Surrow touched his chest where his heart was and Zane turned to clear jade with a look of pure sadness.

The others scream out at Sorrow to change him back, but Sorrow just blasted each of them turning them all into jade statues all looking like they did during the saddest moments of their lives.

Except Kai he used his bag to block the hit and Sorrow didn't seem to notice as his eyes saw Ladybug. "It's Christmas the time for joy and celebration with the family," Ladybug said. "Don't forget the mistletoe bugaboo," Cat noir adds showing up. "Christmas is canceled," Sorrow said and sent a blast at them. They deflected it and a battle began.

Sorrow was blasting left and right turning anyone unlucky enough to a sobbing jade statue. "For someone so green you sure aren't jolly," Cat noir jokes. "And for a black cat you seem to have a annoying amount of good luck," Sorrow said. He sent a blast and Cat noir used his staff and made it go high up in the air. "Bet you can't get me up here!" He calls. Sorrow yells up. "Don't hurt my feelings!" The next thing you know he's summoned a dragon and is hovering right next to the cat hero. "Nice lizard," cat noir gulps and retracted the pole barely missing the blast the dragon sent.

I didn't give him that power? Hawkmoth thinks to himself.

"Where's the akuma?" Ladybug asks. "I don't know," Cat noir shrugs not seeing anything that could be it. "LUCKY CHARM!" Ladybug shouts as her yo-yo made a...locket? "Is that my Christmas present bugaboo?" Cat noir asks jokingly. "What am I meant to do with this?" She asks. Cat noir holds off Sorrow while ladybug was deep in thought. "That's it!" She exclaims. "Back soon hold him off," she calls as Cat noir was somehow hanging off the tail for dear life. Ladybug ran back into the school and found Kai had just managed to get out of the hole that he had sunk in. When he notices Ladybug he scowls.

"Aren't you meant to be saving Lloyd!?" He exclaims. "It's okay but I need your help to save him," she said. "Anything for him," Kai answers in all seriousness. Ladybug smiles and swung him back to the fight just in time too. Sorrow had just pinned Cat noir to the ground and was attempting to take his ring off.

"Sorrow stop this now!" Ladybug yells as Sorrow looked up at her. When he saw Kai there more tears streamed down his face. "Just leave me alone! You clearly hate me!" Sorrow yelled. Kai took a step forward and Sorrow tried blasting him. He dodged and Cat noir managed to get away. "Great now time to take him..." Cat noir began before being stopped by Ladybug. "He's got this," she said and Cat noir trusted her.

"Lloyd this isn't you listen to me," Kai said slowly as he took steps closer. "This is me! Why are you even here? To gloat I turned out just like my father?" Sorrow scowls and attempted to hit him again but failed. "Why would I do that? This isn't you this is Hawkmoth." Kai said slowly walking towards the villain who was trembling. "I'm a burden this is your chance to get rid of me," Sorrow cries ignoring Hawkmoth yelling at him to finish the job. "You've never been a burden why would you think that?" Kai asks only five feet away now. "I'm the reason for so much destruction. You had the chance to get the fang blade and prove yourself but I had to mess that up for you because I can't stop myself from getting kidnapped every two seconds." Sorrow cries though it sounded more like Lloyd. "I'm nothing but a burden you pretend to love so I can clean up all the messes," He sobbed collapsing on his knees. "Lloyd Garmadon, you've never been a burden to any of us. You say you've messed up but I've screwed up more times than I care to admit. We all make mistakes everyone feels like their a burden, but we will get through it. I am willing to give up my life than see a tear fall from your eye. I will always protect you and be there if you ever feel like the world is against you. If you ever feel like your in the dark let me be that light to guide you out," Kai was now right in front of Sorrow who had fallen to his knees. "I've caused so much pain," he whispers. "You take blame for the actions of others. You feel like a burden because you're afraid we're going to leave you on the streets. But you have also stopped bad people even when it meant loosing who you love most. You are your father Lloyd but not Lord Garmadon Sensei Garmadon. Your as pure and wise as him and I love that. I've loved you since we got you back from Morro and I'm not going to let some sad old man sitting in a dark cave stop me." Kai said all seriousness. "You love me?" Lloyd asks. Kai smiles. "More than a brother I love you like how Jay loves Nya but stronger," Kai confesses. Lloyd hugs Kai tight in the middle of the snow as the akuma left the paper in his pocket and he returned to normal lovable Lloyd.

Ladybug caught the akuma before it got away and was practically gushing at the cute sight. Cat noir wasn't much better it was no secret he was hopelessly romantic. Lloyd looked up at Kai and asked. "You mean it? You weren't just saying all that? But you kissed Lila," Lloyd said. Kai scowls for a second before becoming soft again. "She kissed me when I turned the corner didn't see her coming. And Lloyd I love you and don't you ever think otherwise," Kai said. Lloyd smiles and kissed the spiky haired boy who returned it. "Well I'm gonna leave you two to it. Till next time my'lady," Cat noir said than vanished. Ladybug smirks and threw her lucky charm in the air as everything was set back to being right. "You might want to get out of the cold," she advises and the couple looked at her. "Thank you," they both said and Ladybug nodded her head. "Want to go inside it's cold?" Lloyd asks. "Okay but I'm sure I can keep us both warm just a little longer," Kai said with a smile. Lloyd hugged him as they walked back to the school.

"I know there's something special about them ladybug I will found out what and then you'll feel my sorrows," Hawkmoth vows.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Kai asks. "I...I thought I wasn't good enough for you," Lloyd admits. Kai laughed hard and kissed Lloyd's head. "I didn't say anything because I thought I wasn't good enough for you," he admits and Lloyd's shocked. "But your so confident in everything you do even when people say otherwise and put people before your own ambitions," Lloyd said. "And your the chosen green ninja who's saved Ninjago from certain doom more times than I can count on my fingers," Kai replies back. "So are we in agreement? We're both idiots?" Lloyd asks. "Yep," Kai answers. Lloyd laughs and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "I got to thank Marionette I was actually going to tell you because she supported me." Lloyd admits. Kai smiles hearing that. "Glad I gave her the umbrella," he said and Lloyd laughs at the memory.

"I love you so much," Lloyd giggles. "Your my little green bean," Kai chuckles. "And your my flame," Lloyd said kissing Kai on the lips again.

"Awwww," they heard multiple voices say. They separate and saw Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, Alya, Marionette, Nino, and Adrien all standing at the entrance with silly smiles. Marionette and Nya high fives each other while Jay exclaims. "It's about time," "Who kissed first?" Cole asks. "Lloyd," Kai answers. "I believe you owe me five bucks Cole," Zane said proudly.

Everyone was huddled around the Christmas tree in the bounty as they opened up their presents. Jay got warm articles of clothing from his parents and video games from his friends which he loved. And even new cooler nunchucks from Kai. Zane got a new apron from Wu and cook books from the others along with shurikens. Nya got a sweater, toolbox, machine parts, and a spear! "Aww thanks Kai it's just like mom's," Nya thanks her brother. Cole got new running shoes, a sweater, and a sythce. Wu got given tea of all different varieties to which he was sure to enjoy. Kai got a new phone case, a few books on old legends, and a drawing from Lloyd that he promised to treasure. Lloyd got a green hoodie, drawing supplies, and gift card to his favourite candy store. There was one gift left under the tree and Wu pulled it out to reveal a box the size of his palm with Lloyd's name on it.

"It's for you from Kai," Wu said handing it to Lloyd who took it. He shook it wondering what it was as everyone waited eagerly to see what Kai had gotten Lloyd. The green ninja opened the box and gasped at the beautiful golden bracelet before him. It was so beautiful that Lloyd was afraid to touch it for fear it would break. It was golden with perfect rose designs along the rim with small red and emerald buds in a sparkling pattern. In the middle were the words.

Your as gorgeous as a emerald

"You like it?" Kai asks nervously as the others were trying to get a look at the object. Lloyd picked it up and everyone even Nya gasps at it and it's beauty. "Woah Kai how much did that cost?" Cole asks and Kai blushes. "The gold I found by luck in a river stream and the gems were a gift from a jewels merchant I did business with as payment," Kai answers sheepishly. "Wait you made this? And it's real gold?" Lloyd asks pointing to it. Kai nodded and Nya smiles. "I am a witness to its creation to prove it," Nya said proudly. Lloyd picked it up and put it on his wrist it slid on easily but didn't have any chance of falling off his wrist fitting perfectly around his skin. "I love it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen I don't deserve you," Lloyd said kissing Kai all over.

"It's no problem for you your always worth it," Kai said laughing. Zane leans over to Sensei and whispers. "Does Kai know the bracelet he just made is from the same gold as the golden weapons? And valued at 70000000?" Zane asks. Wu chuckles. "I gave it for him to find and don't worry it only has enough power to stay in that condition forever as for the price let them figure it out." Wu chuckles. The rest of the day was spent with family and looking at the happy Christmas texts from their friends in Paris on what they had been given for Christmas.

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