Kai 'talks' to Marionette

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(Sorry for the long break I did not realize I hadn't updated in so long also this chapter is short mostly me venting to a really stupid annoying character that I hate in miraculous, and no it's not Chloe or Gabriel. Also there's gonna be some light swearing)

The second the people in Paris lost connection with Zane and Jay was the moment Kai stood up and grabbed his katanas. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to Ninjago and beating Lila to a pulp before she can find that miraculous. If anyone wants to join me your free to follow," Kai said looking at the group. "I'll come," Nora said raising her muscled arm.

"I'm coming too she needs to be taught a lesson," Marionette said stepping forward. To everyone's surprise and shock Kai responded with a heated harsh glare. "I think you've done enough damage," everyone gasps. "What do you mean? I've done nothing it's all Lila's fault for all of this," Marionette said and everyone voice their agreements mostly Adrien and her father.

"Yeah no you are the reason for all of this because your a stupid dumb stalker who likes to pretend she's the golden angel when in reality your a bully," Kai said sassily. Marionette blinks and Lloyd steps in. "Kai calm down we know your mad, but," Kai cuts his boyfriend off mid sentence. "No I am done pretending she's a angel just cause she has magic jewellery. She's the reason this is happening in the first place!" Kai yells at her. "This is Lila's fault not mine!" Marionette yells back. "No it isn't!" Kai yells and turned to Gabriel who had been watching everything quietly. "Mr. Argreste it is correct that you sought out Lila because you knew she was still bitter at ladybug," Kai asks. "Yes," Gabriel answers shortly. "And why was she bitter at Ladybug?" Kai asks turning to glare at Marionette who became quiet. Feeling like he had too Adrien spoke up.

"Because Ladybug confronted her about it in front of me," He said. "Woah? A superhero everyone in the city she's new too confronts her in a public space and scolds her like a mother. Wonder why she would hate you?" Kai asks sarcastically. "She was a manipulative liar!" Marionette defends herself. "Oh like you've never lied. The point is you couldn't stand that someone else was taking a interest in Adrien and being a jealous psychopathic stalker you decided you didn't like that and 'nothing can make little miss perfect angry'," Kai said in a sweet high pitched voice. Marionette fumes red.

"She was falsely claiming she owned the fox miraculous and that her great grandmother was a previous holder," She defends herself. "And? Her lie would have come out on her own, but you had to humiliate her in front of the boy she had a crush on. She was the new girl trying to make friends by stretching the truth a little. She was trying to make friends by seeming interesting and you decided that wasn't allowed even though you lie all the time," Kai said. "I have to for Ladybug!" Marionette said. "No that does not make you even close to being entitled hypocrites bully. Lila did nothing to you and you humiliated her so much she didn't show up to school for nearly the rest of the year is that correct?" Kai asks. "I didn't she lied saying she was going around the world," Marionette defends. "And why do you think she did that?" Kai asks. "Because she's a liar," Marionette said. "And why do you think she's a liar?" Kai asks. "Because...because she is?" Marionette said unsure.

"I'll let you in on a secret Marionette you grew up with two loving parents who supported you and everything you did. Lila grew up without a father and best guess is her mother didn't pay attention and was always on work calls or trips so she grew up with no parents," Kai said. "You don't know," Marionette began when Kai got right in her face. "I do bitch. I know what a child without a parent looks like no matter the smile they hide behind it. She pretends to be on trips because she didn't want to face the humiliation you always threatened her with. You like to pretend your above everyone and is the purest soul ever, but let's face it," Kai said.

"Your a . Hypocritical. Dumb. Immature. Narcissistic, little, brat who does not even know the beginning of the word suffer because your the reason others suffer on a daily basis," Kai pushes his finger into her chest at each word pushing her back. "You make a split second opinion of people than refuse to see the other side of the story. You may seem like your doing good, but the truth is you do what you want and take what you want without ever thinking about the consequences. You never even thought to consider what the hell Hawkmoth wanted you just decided it had to be bad. Well guess what you narcissistic idiot? He could have made Paris a hell hole the day he put on that miraculous you just never thought to confront him because you liked playing the hero and thinking your the only useful one. News flash you aren't your just lucky because Lila could have been just as good ladybug as you," Kai finishes and turns walking out of the room stopping once to look back at her with a fury unmatched.

"Do yourself a favour and stop blaming others for your failures," Then he left.

The room was as quiet as space and everyone looked to where Kai had left then slowly to Marionette who had wide eyes quickly filling with tears. "I? He can't say that!" She stomps her foot. "He can and he did," Maya said quite proud of her son. Marionette looks at everyone around her who avoided eye contact with her. She looks to Adrien and choked out a sorrowful. "Chat?" He tries speaking, but no words came out.

She sucks in a deep breath and ran out of that room.

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